Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Child, your faith has saved you.

I tried to force myself to come to work today but I couldn't. I tried but I just can't do it. My mind says I have to but my body disagrees and tells me to rest and recover.

The whole day I did was sleep and dwell on my sickness. I felt so weak, tired and dizzy. I feel like my head is heavy and I couldn't breathe well. Somehow I was longing for someone to take care of me but I guess I have to do it on my one. I had to be strong enough to fight the sickness that I feel within. As I said before that I'm a bit dramatic when I feel pain or I'm sick.

It was just 2 hours ago when I read the gospel for today and somehow was strucked on the comforting words that the Lord was telling me. Usually, I make it a habit to read the gospel and say a short prayer before leaving the house and going to work but since I wasn't feeling well earlier I just read it later during the day.

Gospel: Mk 5:21-43

"My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may get well and live." Jesus went with him and many people followed, pressing around Him. Among the crowd a woman had suffered from bleeding for twelve years. This woman came up beind Him and touched his cloak thinking, "If I just touch His clothing, I shall get well." Her flow of blood dried up at once, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her complaint.

"Daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace and be free of this illness."

Jesus arrived at the house and the people were wailing and weeping. "Why all of this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep." They laughed and Jesus sent them outside and went with the father and mother into the room where the child lay. Jesus took her by the hand and said, Talitha kumi! Which means "Little girl, get up!"

If it's one thing I've learned that is to get up. I mean I can't forever lay in my bed feeling sick and miserable or else it will just get worse or even more. I also learned I have to fight and not give in to these negative energies that's in my body or else it will consume me completely. I learned to treat myself and that I should never limit myself too much. My friends kept telling me "na wag mo masyadong tipirin sarili mo." I guess they were right and somehow I realized that. I also learned to give myself a break. With the demands I have at work and the pressure of stress and tiring duties I really need a break. I think I should stop compromising myself and start to love myself more. I mean it's ok to be selfless but it's not healthy to treat your own self less.

Lord please increase my faith. Assure me Lord that iI may overcome this struggle.
"My Child, your faith has saved you!" Lord may this assurance bring healing and peace to me.

Lord as I rest in your embrace may you heal me of things and feelings that I feel inside. Lord please heal me of the sickness that I feel and the weakness my body is having. Lord as what you said, "Daughter your faith has saved you; go in peace and be free of this illness." Lord I believe in your words and I know you will do as what you have promised me. Lord I claim victory over defeat and over this struggle. Lord let your will be done. I surrender and offer myself to you. 
In Jesus' name, AMEN!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!