Saturday, February 23, 2013

Share the message

"If the message does not kill you then kill the messenger."

I heard this line from Fr. Tom as he was giving his homily last Feb. 2 at St. Mary's. It is a simple message but it hides a big meaning and creates a big impact behind the  simple words stated. Father Tom even joked.. "If I'm not here anymore tomorrow then you know what happened.." then everybody giggled and that ended his homily. As I reflected the message and as I think about it's impact on me, I realized that God's messages never fail. His messages can make a difference in our life and His words are light to us. His messages are clear and they are truth. His message never leaves us untouched and it allows pierces through our hardened hearts and even closed ears. God indeed moves in mysterious ways and those ways are known by Him alone. My only prayer is that may God use me as His mouthpiece to preach His word and spread His messages throughout all the nations especially to His people.
May I be like Christ, a messenger of faith, hope and endless love!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!