Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lucky or BLESSED?

Are you….lucky or blessed?

Most people are confused about being lucky and blessed. Luck is something that happens once in a while but being blessed happens all the time.

Admit it or not, you are blessed beyond expectation and beyond measure even if you don't deserve it or if you're not aware of it. God is so amazing that He blesses us unexpectedly and endlessly. He blesses us with everything we would want, need and desire. He is so great and wonderful! Great God?! I like!

Being blessed is way better than being lucky. Blessings can't be compared to being lucky or full of luck. Blessings are not coincidences or accidents because they are always there and sometimes we fail to recognize them.

When somebody wishes you luck, correct them nicely and tell them I don't need luck but I need God's blessings/providence more. It may sound funny but it's actually true. "I bless you in Jesus' name, Amen" or maybe this will do, "May God's blessings be upon you, Amen!"

"God bless me/you" is better than good luck. By saying that to others, it lifts up the spirit and it gives them hope that with God's guidance and providence then all things are possible and worth the struggle.

May we be blessed to bless and be a blessing to others.
All for the greater glory of the Almighty, AMEN!

In Christ,
Sarah Kailyn

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!