Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heal Me Father 02/06/13

Lord I can't breathe! :(( I have hoarseness of voice and dry cough! Thank you because I survive a day at work. Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have showered and will be showering upon me and my family. Save and heal me Lord. Only in your presence and embrace shall I be healed. Forgive me Lord of my trespasses and failures. I trust You Lord, my stronghold and strength. Deliver me from this struggle I have with my health. Restore me back to good condition so that I may serve you more and bring glory to Your name. Lord, I will be still because I know you are God and that you are in control of everything. In You Lord, I trust, I pray, I hope, I have faith, I love, I claim, I ask in Jesus name, AMEN.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!