Monday, February 18, 2013

Renew thy vow

 Earlier in the Mass at St. Mary's Church, I witnessed the renewal of marriage vows by couples coming from different countries and culture. As it went on, I looked around seeing a lot of dedicated couples who were in love, teary eyed, smiling, joyful and full of happiness. I felt the feelings they felt. It was a very nice thing that I witnessed because it looked like they were married again. I was so touched and happy to see how verbally they professed and renewed the vows they made when they were married years back.

While the priest was leading them to the renewal of vows, I heard and saw how committed these couples were and they were even holding each other's hand. "I will love you… for richer or poorer.. in sickness and in health.. in happiness and in sadness… till death do us part.." After that the priest said "You may give each other the sign of love." Then the couples kissed each other and everybody clapped their hands and smiled to the newly renewed married couples.

Renewing the marriage vows is the same with regards to our service for the Lord. Sometimes we need to renew our covenant with Him to realize how important the YES or I DO that we said to Him. I guess it's a matter of being aware of the journey that we choose to take and to check if we are on the right track.

By renewing our vows/covenant we are given the choice whether or not we will continue, pause, change or will stop. A vow is something that you pledge to a person. It is powerful than of the promise because you will surely do it. A vow you make with the Lord is an extraordinary one that will change and improve your life. It doesn't matter if you keep failing as long as you keep on going and still improving even if you're tempted to stop during the times it's tough.

For me, I think I have renewed my covenant for the Lord like almost 5 times or more. It's because from time to time, I have to check if my heart still desires to serve Him. I have to see if I still want to pursue my mission. I have to check myself if I want to fulfill my dreams.. I have to evaluate myself in these situations.  I also have to check the willingness in me to be an effective evangelizer, a servant leader and a follower of God's word through the examples of Christ.

To renew your vow, you just have to say.. (My homemade Prayer)
Lord God, I praise and thank you for all the blessings you have given me. I am sorry for my faults and failures. Lord I want to renew my covenant with you. I want to really serve you with all my heart, mind, body, soul and everything. I desire to bring glory to you and proclaim your greatness. I will do all these works in love and joyfulness. I know that You are always with and in me. Empower me Father so that I can evangelize your people. I believe in Your promises Lord that you will fulfill them in due time. Please hear my prayers and provide for my needs. I know you will give me my heart's desires. Equip me Lord as I go on this mission and I claim victory over the struggles and difficulties that I will soon face. Lord you are God and You will win. I love you Lord. In sickness and in health.. in joy and in sadness.. for richer or poorer.. for service and for trial…I say YES, I DO and I will GO. I am ready to do your will Lord  This I ask and pray through the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, with the intercession of Mother Mary and through Christ our Saviour, AMEN.
(Written and experienced last January 11, 2013)

Your sweet and loving princess,
Sarah Kailyn :))

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!