Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bible definition of LOVE

I remembered our PLT (Provincial Leaders Training) last August 2011 at VB Alba Foundation at Dinginan, Roxas City. After the training we were given an opportunity to select a verse that's going to reflect our identity or it's going to be our life verse.

As I was thinking of a specific verse that I can relate to, I then remember the verse about love. As I struggled to think hard about it I came across the verse and I decided that this verse will be my identity and my mission.

It's all about LOVE. Giving LOVE and SHARING LOVE.

It has been over a year and I admit it was a topsy turvy adventure and time flies so fast. I guess I failed in my life verse and I forgot to stood by it. And still now I keep on failing to do so. Sometimes I would question myself why or how can I keep loving them unconditionally? I would then question God, how is it possible Lord? It is so difficult to love and keep loving. The Lord just answered because I loved.

At work I am continuously struggling. I am easily angered and my patience is not that long. I keep trying and yet I still keep on failing. I guess I have to keep loving more. I have to include love and increase the dose. I need love and I have to share love.

Lord, please help me to carry out my mission with full of faith, hope and love! Amen.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!