Sunday, February 24, 2013

Carry out my mission

"Lord, help me to carry out my mission."
As I hear those words during the Prayers of the Faithful during the general assembly of CFC Dubai last February 2, it gave me an affirmation to keep going and to keep doing what the Lord is telling me to do. The CFC theme this year is Obey and Witness from John 2:5 "Do whatever He tells you." I then remembered the words "carry out" because as a nurse we are tasked to carry out the doctor's order. To carry out is to follow what is written or what is verbally stated. To carry out is to do what He tells you to do whether it's challenging and hard to do. To carry out is do all works with love and full of faith and hope. As I journey in this mission, may the Lord with His grace bless me, strengthen me, guide me and lead me as I carry out this mission with faith, hope and love.

In You Lord, I trust!
Sarah Lim :)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!