Friday, February 8, 2013

Prayer today 2/8/13

Thank you Lord for a fun filled day with full of revelations and surprises! I certainly enjoyed my 1st Singolympics and I'm craving for more. Restore our tired bodies as we sleep tonight. Bless those who are on their way home. Thank you also for the gift of friendship and the love shared and bonded to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Give me strength to endure Lord. I may be sick but I am willing to do greater things for you. But please don't allow sickness to consume me. Heal me Lord completely. May I overcome still battle with my health. Lord I am excited to the next big things to come. I will go wherever it is that you may lead me. I love you Lord. Thank you for everything! May God be praised! In Jesus' name, Amen! Nyt! <3 #sleeptyt ZzzzZz

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!