Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best of 2014

The best of 2014
Indeed, 2014 has come to an end and it feels like it just started yesterday. Time flies very fast and what we can do is just to enjoy and savor the moment until it lasts. 2014 has been a great and unique year for me with a lot of ups and downs with twists and turns and dark to light moments. 2014 just like the previous years that passed allows me to continuously improve with myself since I know I am a work in progress, a clay to be molded upon, a light to be sent out to spread with others and a jug waiting to be filled to the brim.

Today may be the last day of the year and still we have few hours left to make the most of 2014 before we welcome 2015. So now let me take this time to appreciate and say thank you to the ones who touched my life and will be touching my life for the many years to come. Thank you Lord for all the blessings, graces and love that you have showered upon me through my family, friends and the community. You are a faithful and merciful God for you have given me chances despite my sinfulness and stubbornness. Still your love remained and it keeps on getting stronger. Sorry for the times I failed you and for disobeying your commands. Allow me to continue growing and become the person you want me to be with the help of my loved ones. May your will be done in me as always as it should be.

I am excited for a new year which means a lot of new events, experiences and encounters. There are a lot of things/situations and circumstances to look forward for. I hope and pray that may I learn to love more not just in words but in deeds. I guess I’m ready for a new chapter and I know with God’s grace I’ll survive like the previous years that passed. Let’s all prepare our hearts for the plans that the Lord prepared for us. May God’s peace, hope, faith, grace, forgiveness and love be upon us all! Yipeeeeey!

Happy New Year! Happy 2015! Cheers! :)

Happy 31st!

Happy 31st Wedding Anniversary Papabels and Mamabels!!!!! I miss and love you both! Claiming for December 2015 Family Reunion  See you soon. I praise and thank God for blessing us with wonderful parents. Take care always! God bless our family.. Lablabsss.

Best wishes to you both on your anniversary! May the love that you share last your lifetime through, as you make more wonderful memories together! May your marriage be blessed with love, joy and companionship for all the years of your lives! Happy Wedding Anniversary Papa Larry and Mama Christy! From all of us: KyleSarahIekCaila and Vince..

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just wait Princess

A message from God

“No man will ever claim you unless he claims you from Me. For I reserved a man for you who has My heart and loves Me even more than he loves you. For I won’t give you unless he asks you form Me. He is asleep; don’t wake him. He is busy for Me... My kingdom. Soon you will know him, but I have the perfect time. You are My princess and My daughter. Let no prince claim you unless he asks you from my hand for I am Your Father and King of kings. You, my princess is worth loving for.”

It is better for a princess like you to be asleep a hundred years and be kissed and be awake by the right prince than to stay awake and be kissed hundred times by the wrong frog.

It is better to wait for years for someone you are sure of, than to grab that chance with someone who picks you up but drops you whenever he wants to.

"Place your heart in the hands of God and He will place it in the hands of a man who he believes deserves it."

Good things come to those who wait. Just wait Princess! <3

Monday, December 15, 2014

Rejected but REDIRECTED.

As I attended the Arabian Catholic Youth Conference which was a 3 day activity held at St. Joseph Church, Abu Dhabi, UAE last November 15-17, 2012 I felt the Spirit of the Lord urging me to go and experience the World Youth Day the year after. God blessed me with that conviction because He knew I needed to experience it. I was so sure that time that I needed to go. In my heart there was a longing, a space that needed to be fill, a desire and a prayer that wanted to be with God through the event. The World Youth Day is not just a gathering of Catholics but it is a time to renew our faith and also to meet the Holy Father which is our beloved Pope.

I'll pray for the grace to attend the World Youth Day in Rio, Brazil 2013! Amen!

I had dreams and plans for the WYD but my concern was finances and I didn't know where to get the 10K money for me to go. I know money is never an issue but standing in my shoes it is definitely a struggle. I don't earn as much because I am inexperienced and fairly new in the country. I only earn a regular salary enough for myself and for my family. I am thrifty and I was raised to be practically wise when it comes to money. I was thinking of a part time job for me to raise it but I think I wasn't capable of something. I doubted my capability and all the more I doubted God's possibility for me.

I applied the leave of 2 weeks for the WYD and it was approved. I decided to help in raising the fund. I thought of ways but I never made a move. I was stagnant yet I prayed but I lack the faith in doing something to make it happen. I guess it was hard for me to accept that I couldn't afford it. It was too late for me that's what my mind was telling me. I felt sad knowing that I promised to go there yet I failed. I'm sorry Lord that I lacked faith and that I started to drown with my doubt, fears and what ifs.

I found it hard to accept the fact that I was not capable to raise the kind of money in 6 months. I can't sacrifice the money since I know I'll need it for support and other things. I was in denial but in the end I knew God has better plan for me. With God's grace, I was able to let go of that desire slowly but surely.

In my mind, I was discerning of going home instead. I wanted to see my family and loved ones. I wanted to go home. I want to settle things and I want to take break because I am being consumed slowly and I don't want any negative change in me. I knew that I'm starting to be unhealthy – with relationships, diet, problems etc. I asked God for the wisdom behind this. It was a change of plan and I had to face it.

The desire to go was there and I didn't know how or where. I kept going and I struggled all the more when the environment was not being nice to me even if I was to them. My heart was shattered because of hurt, trial and disappointment. I felt being stepped on yet I managed to keep myself standing still on the ground and holding on to God. It was difficult to work yet I stayed positive and I tried to be kind. God knew I had to overcome this. It was when I realized I can freely express my feelings, that I had a voice and everything happened because it was my choice. God made me feel angry, sad, disappointed and it was a time that I really prayed hard. I had frequent questions to Him regarding all the why's that I had in mind. I kept reminding myself that God is merciful and just that nothing escapes Him. He will give what is just and what is right for all. I never showed anger nor revenge yet I was praying for love and kindness to envelope me. I placed my trust in Him and that He is in control of everything. Though the situations were hard on me, still I'm thankful because Christian character was bent and learned how to deal with it positively. I had ups and downs yet I managed to go through it with God's grace and healing.

A lot of changes happened. I filed a local leave from June 30 to July 30 which was approved. I had to take it or else they won't pay it. I had no plans whether I'll work part time or just stay at home. I didn't know what to do but God has something that He wants me to do. It was somewhere last May when I decided to go home and have a break. I was again tested yet I didn't doubt. This time, I was full of faith that God will carry me through and He did. What I thought was impossible before was indeed possible. I held on to His promise and I experienced His greatness. The joy and excitement of going home was priceless. I was teary eyed and very emotional that I can easily express my feelings. I was refreshed and renewed. I settled my previous relationship. I asked forgiveness and was forgiven. I shared my time with family, relatives and still, YFC. I was reminded to OBEY and WITNESS and this is a miracle that He revealed to me. I may not have been to the World Youth Day because God knew that He wanted me to be HOME instead. He gave me a better answer to my prayer and I feel so blessed to experience going home the 1st time. I just can't believe it and I know it's real. God is so amazing! Thank you so much Lord!

Indeed, God answers our prayer with a yes or no because He knows what is best for us. It doesn't mean that He won't give it now but He's waiting for the right time to give it and sometimes it exceeds our expectation. God's no is not a rejection but a wonderful redirection. If the Lord allows it then it will be done. I may have prayed for WYD but God allowed me to fulfill my dream of going home for the first time. I was redirected to something better than I could imagine. God is a God of impossibilities and truly all things became possible for me because I believed and I had faith. Everything was made beautiful and God works in amazing ways that we cannot see but we can experience completely.

Thank you Lord. I feel so blessed and my feelings of gratefulness are overwhelming! It was unexpected and You never failed in fulfilling your promises and in fact it was "SIKSIK, LIGLIG and UMAAPAW!" The Lord's blessing upon me is immeasurable, uncontainable and overflowing! You are a great and awesome God. Thank you for making things beautiful in your perfect time and for allowing me to experience your greatness in witnessing the impossible things made possible with your love and grace, AMEN!

-Mark 9:23

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Light of Jesus

Blessed to share in Miraculous Medal Chapel. Thank you! Praise God! :)

Assigned Date: December 14, 2014
Assigned Verse: John 1:6-8,19-28

Reflection Story:

John was conceived in Elizabeth’s womb though barren at an old age. He was sent by God and to testify that with the Lord nothing is impossible. John the Baptist fulfilled his purpose on earth. He baptized people, spread the good news, prepared the way for Jesus and became a witness to the light. He humbly admitted that he is unworthy and he’s not the source of light which he referred to Jesus, the Messiah.

Let me share to you a story about the little candle’s discovery in knowing its purpose. Once there was a little candle placed in a room together with other candles. The little candle felt very tiny for it has seen several candles – plain, small, tall, glittery, scented, big, multi-colored, wonderfully shaped and expensive.

The sun went down and the room began to get dark. A man came to light the little candle then he started lighting each candle and the room was filled with light. The little candle realized that all the other candles gave out the same light regardless of what they are. Few hours later, the wax started to melt. It was then that the candle realized its purpose, “to give light until it dies”.

We are the different candles who are chosen by God, called to spread the word and be witnesses of Jesus. We were created on earth for a purpose and we should fulfill God’s will/plan in us. Jesus is the source of light. He first taught us to love. He gave his life for the salvation of our sins. He is the light that brought faith, hope, peace and love to all of us. He is the match/lighter that ignites the fire in our hearts. Apart from Him, we are lost, we are nothing and we are not capable. With Him, all things are made possible. Let’s continue to give and spread the light of Jesus.

11 days to go before Christmas! Am I excited? Is my heart ready to welcome Jesus and allow Him to light my path? Will I allow myself to be a witness to the light and live my life in accordance to God’s plan? Am I ready for the challenges that await me if I choose to follow Christ no matter how difficult it may seem? Am I ready to become an Alter Christus (alternate Christ) to my neighbors?

If the answer is Yes then be excited for the Savior is coming. Strengthen your faith, pray more and be ready since greater things are yet come. If the answer is No/Maybe then you still have time to prepare yourself for the birth of Jesus. Open your heart and allow the Spirit to teach, equip and lead you to the right path.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

EFG: Patience while waiting

(I got this message way back 2010 in a book titled Emails from God by Cloninger)

Not Yet (Psalm 13:2-3)

Dear Child,

Time is a strange thing. To Me, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. I’m outside of time. Time is just something I made in which you live. I entered time when I sent Jesus to earth. So I know how frustrating time can be.

But I also know what’s best for you. The only way you can learn patience is by waiting. Some people pray, “Lord, teach me patience,and teach it to me now!” That doesn’t make much sense. Learning patience takes time. I hear your prayers. Keep praying. I may give you an answer quickly but if I’m teaching you to trust Me no matter what, I may ask you to wait. If you can learn to trust ME, if you can learn to wait on My timing, I will use you to do great things. Will you trust Me?

Your Leader,

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

31 days to 26th

A year has nearly flown by since I had a 31 days post before my 25th last 2013. So now, I can't believe that here I am doing the same before I turn 26th next year, 31 days later.

It's just overwhelming how 2014 has been a great year for me - with all the ups and downs plus the humor, heartbreak and horror.. Thank you Lord for allowing me to come this far. You have blessed me with so much that all I can say is "Thank You!"

So now, the clock is ticking. 31 days before I bid goodbye to being a silver girl. I need to prepare myself for this since I never had the chance to do the "birthday for a cause" thing which I planned last year. I hope it all goes well. Whatever it may be, I trust in you!

Lord may your will be done. Thank you so much!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

With God.....

With God…………….

I am blessed. I am His beloved. I am forgiven. I am dearly loved.

I am secured. I am freed. I am capable. I am special.

I am complete. I am a Princess/Prince. I am highly favored. I am contented.

I am forever grateful. I am called. I am happy. I am chosen.

I am strong. I can be the best. I am inspired. I am supported.

I am wanted. I am adored. I am humbled. I am wonderfully made.

I am captivated. I am useful. I am destined for greatness.

I am accepted regardless of my past, faults and failures.

I can be me without pretension, guilt, fear and worry.

I am saved by His grace. I am needed. I am empowered.

I can be, I am me, I will be, with His love, mercy, grace and providence.

With God, I can do everything to the best of my abilities.

Without God, I am empty, incomplete, lost, weak, helpless, incapable and useless.

With God, all things are possible for impossibilities are His specialties!

Thank you Lord. You're the best!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fear NOT!

(First posted in FB last October 10, 2011 at 12:11 pm)

Define FEAR.
...a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil,pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived threat.

FEAR causes ANXIETY that makes you feel threatened that causes several changes in your body when not controlled. :)

What are your greatest fears or common fears? 
Who are you afraid of?
Why are you afraid?
How do you overcome those fears?

Learn to overcome fears before it causes distrubances in your body.


F- Faith in God, in yourself and in others
    Forget & Focus (F n F)
     Forget your own circumstances and focus on God's promises

E- Equip yourself with Prayer and God's word.
     Enthusiasm/Excitement when facing difficult situations.
     Endure more and humble yourself.

A- Accept & Admit your own weakness/failures/capabilities/talents, etc.
     Acknowledge God's presence.
     Absolute trust & surrendering to God.

R- Be READY to take RISKS.
     Respect other people's differences/uniqueness.
     React and Respond positively.
     Reach out. :)

What do you fear would test your faith in God the most?
Habakkuk 3:17-19

The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life.
(Whom shall I fear)


God has given us 365 days to FEAR NOT.

There are a lot of reasons to be afraid but knowing that we have a BIG GOD that strengthens us to overcome such fears/obstacles.


With that MAY GOD BE PRAISED!!!! :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Status: Single but not Alone

I have been an advocate of true love waits ever since I started in the community last 2005. I believe that we should not rush to be in a relationship because God has a plan to fulfill in us first before He can give that one person He has prepared for us before we were born. I waited until I was 17 before I can actually have a relationship but it only lasted for 3 months. I knew that I just wanted to know what it felt like but I guess I wasn't ready for the commitment and I needed to focus in my studies first. I know it's easier said than done and I have struggled much being on my own. I was jealous to others who had but I have found comfort, assurance and hope for the times I was lonely, doubting, worried and I have sought support from God and my loved ones.

My second relationship was with a YFC brother whom I served with since 2007. Of course we waited for a while and once I became a registered nurse, our love story began. We were partners in crime, service comrade, mission buddy, prayer partner, camera fanatic and we'd always have our food trip adventures. It ended when I left the country to work in the UAE. I admit it was my fault back then and it took us nearly 2 years to have a formal closure. It was settled when I went home last July 2013. We then became friends but it was a process we had to go through. Months passed and we were talking like nothing happened. Now we are like siblings again, a work in progress, no longer in YFC but in SFC and I am happy that even an Ex can become your friend.

Being single is a blessing in a disguise. Yes, my status is single, blessed, hopefully and patiently waiting for my God's greatest and gorgeous gift (4G) to come. I have been single for 3 years now and never in my life was I alone. Well there were trying times and even situations that I wanted to jump right in a relationship just so I can change my status. I had struggled with emotional crisis that sometimes I didn't understood why. I admit that I feel pressured not just from what I see, hear and perceive. Society can sometimes be rude, judgmental and trivial regarding the relationship status especially when age is concerned. Also, my heart longs and seeks for the presence of someone. I guess everybody needs love and to be loved back. I miss the feeling of someone loving and caring for me yet I know I have to endure the waiting process. I'm in the stage of my life wherein it's a battle against "Intimacy vs. Isolation" as per Erikson's stages of Psychosocial development.

FB status last May 25, 2013
I remembered this post of mine last year......
"....God has wonderfully surrounded me with family and friends that loves and cares for me so much. I feel blessed to have them. And I know in His time, He will bless me with a great love story specially designed and planned for me. I am excited when that time will come and I know that I am being prepared for that. For now, I will patiently wait, hoping for the best, trusting His will, loving and serving Him ever more and giving all the best of me for His great glory.. Thank you for this realization Lord. Praise God. "  (Single but never alone)

Experiences are the best teacher. I have learned more and I have gone out of my comfort zone, have mended my broken heart and is getting ready for whatever lies ahead. I know I have crazy dreams once in a while wherein I dream of my crush/someone and it has been one of my simple joys. I know I am 25 and having a crush on someone feels like I'm in high school with all the butterflies in my stomach, crazy imaginations and the happy blushing expression I have once I am talking about or thinking of Him. Of course I am a work in progress, nearly maturing, a kid at heart and a beloved daughter of God. I have desires, fantasies, goals and crazy dreams too. One of it would be desiring to be in a relationship with someone with the hope of being married in the future. In God's time, crazy and impossible it seems but whatever your will Lord, may it be done.

Years have passed and a lot has changed yet still single but never alone who's joyfully waiting, always praying, faithfully hoping and positively claiming the 4G from God.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cheerdancing for Christ

Cheerdancers from SFC Dubai last November 14, 2014 at UAE University, Al Ain!
"I never thought I could do it but because God was with me, I did it!"

Being a part of the creative ministry is a big fulfillment for me. Never did I know that I was capable of doing something simple yet achieving great results. Dancing has been my weakness ever since and somehow I need to face my fear and conquer it. As the passage say in Philippians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Never did God failed me and look to where He has brought me? Because I said Yes, He removed all my fears, insecurities and doubts away. 

Looking back, 3 weeks ago, upon hearing about the cheerdance for CFC Sportsfest, I was hesitant and somehow shy because I know that I'm not a dancer. I would reason out stating "I prefer to draw..blah blah.." and would say "Bear with me. I'm having a hard time because I'm left handed....." I actually joined last March and somehow I wanted to try it out for the second time. So because I was in a crisis and I needed to change my ways, I made a decision to join for me to regain my old self and somehow become better. Hopefully.

Honestly speaking for the past months I have been so lazy and selfish that I lost proper time management, self discipline and my self worth degraded. I wasn't productive anymore, I lost confidence, I was a bit depressed and I indulge myself with food cravings, wattpad reading also anime/drama/movie addictions. I admit I was a total mess and I needed to stand up on my own and regain what I loss. It was a personal battle that I need to win. I know and I learned to cling on to God. The week before practice I was making changes little by little.

When the practice started, things, circumstances and my perspective started to change. I praise and thank God for His grace for without it, I'm nothing and not capable of anything. Two weeks of sleepless nights, hard work, lengthy patience, frequent practice, self discipline, memorization of steps, getting along with co-dancers and brain processing was torture at first but then became a daily routine for me. As the day passes I was able to appreciate and somehow perform the steps if not perfectly then correctly. 

As we journeyed together, the fruits of our labor started to flourish and indeed it was generously paid by blessings, gratitude, loud cheers, encouragement, fun, genuine laughter, friendship and deep within us, self fulfillment. We know deep in our hearts that God was glorified with our performance and to Him we humbly offer ourselves for His great glory. Thank you Lord. Thank you dance instructors. Thank you co-dancers. Thank you family, friends, household and supporters. Thank you so much. May God be praised. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Patiently and joyfully waiting for God's plan to unfold in our lives
How to practically enjoy your present state of life and realize the beauty in every moment.

What is the difference between Love and One True Love?
Love is not just a feeling but it is a decision, a commitment and a desire to embrace the flaws and imperfections of someone worth fighting for. Love is a gift shared with everyone while One True Love is a commitment shared to an Only One who you desire to spend your whole life with.

1. Love yourself.
The first step is to accept yourself completely and appreciating the beauty, the talent, the imperfections, the blessings, the being that God has blessed you with. It is hard to love others when you don't know how to love yourself. Love yourself first so that you can love others and in turn be loved back.  Allow yourself to be used for God's glory for He will transform, enhance and make you ready for what lies ahead. God wants you to live a life of chastity. Loving yourself means allowing God to work more in your life and learning to do so means preparing yourself for that someone that He has prepared for you to be with when the right time comes.

2. Love the idea of falling in love.
This step requires letting go of fears, doubts, unwanted baggage, insecurities and failures then letting God's plan unfold in your life. Loving is a gift from God and we are called to love not just the lovable ones but also the unlovable beings. Loving the idea of falling in love is giving your heart and soul to someone. God wants us to set aside our fears so that we can freely live our life and be excited to fall in love! 

3. Love God.
Allow yourself to love God before loving someone. For God deserves to be loved, praised and glorified for Power and Majesty! We must love God above all things. We must be one in Him before we can be one with someone else.

4. Love to love.
Sometimes it is hard for us to share our life story with others but with the grace of God then it becomes easy. Opening our own self to others will teach us to be selfless. Love requires action and expressing it well through deeds fulfill its purpose. Allow your own self to love and serve God through others because life becomes full of purpose, meaningful and worth living.

5. Love the life you live.
We must not focus what we lack but on the blessings God has given us everyday. We should learn to be a fulfilled and be happy person. God wants us to appreciate and be grateful for everything that He has blessed us with. He wants us to embrace and love the life that we are living by thanking and glorifying Him with what we have.

For now be still because God is busy preparing you for a love story that you don't expect. Trust His plans because He knows what is best for you. Wait patiently and joyfully for He has someone in stored for you. Guard your heart and get ready. Don't be weary and never worry for it is done says the Lord. Have hope. Keep the faith and fight the good fight for God is with you always!

Draw how you see your life in 3 years in a folded half of paper then write a letter to God about your heart's desires. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Saying YES to the LORD is a LIFELONG JOURNEY with the ALMIGHTY

Saying YES to the LORD is a LIFELONG JOURNEY with the ALMIGHTY. <3

May 5, 2012 at 12:54am
Saying YES to the Lord is a lifelong journey – It has become a great and long travel..
It has taken me to places that I never dreamed of going but because of His abundant and overflowing grace I was able to go..

I just want to share to you my experience and how Christ's love has transformed me to the person I am now… New, improved and better than ever.


* When I was offered by my parents to take up NURSING (APRIL 2005).. At first I didn't have the passion to serve my brothers and sisters but God made me understand to let them feel and experience His grace and love for everyone.. especially to those who are ill and suffering.. I thought that it wasn't for me but God slowly revealed His purpose and plan for me. I am forever thankful that He transformed me to be a Christ centered and God fearing Nurse.

* Accepted and committing to become a member of the CFC Youth for Christ way back July 2005.

* When asked to go to far places to serve God – I just say YES LORD! I WILL GO!

* Grabbing an opportunity for spiritual growth and maturity by attending camps, trainings, kasangga retreats, recollection, conferences, etc.

* Embracing the calling to serve the HIGH SCHOOL BASE PROGRAM despite the busy schedules, incapability, unworthiness and other priorities.

* Moving towards CFC Singles for Christ (JULY 2009)

* YES. Been blessed by the Lord to have a GOD'S GIFT.

* Leaving my hometown to work in MANILA after ILC BAGUIO (APRIL-DEC 2010)

* Supporting a project (TOUCH A HEART I & II)

* Working in a hospital as a volunteer nurse for 4-5 months.

* When asked by my Father to go to DUBAI because there's YFC there, I immediately said YES. YES TO GO ON A MISSION.

* Letting go and letting God to take over – I still manage to say YES no matter how difficult it is..

* YES to staying here rather than going home.. I faced a major major decision and even asked God whether I should stay or go home. Happy because God made me realized how blessed I am to be here unlike others who are dying to come and work here. I was very lucky to be taken cared of here and received such special treatment so why should I go home? I have the opportunity and God made me realize that I shouldn't waste it. He assures me I will be safe and that all is well!

* YES to SIMBANG GABI at ST. MARY'S CHURCH, DUBAI (just missed the 1st mass though) YEAAAAH I SURVIVED IT.

* YES to leaving it all in the past and moving on to the present and hoping the best for the future.. I had experiences and made wrong decisions to lead to fights and even hurts. I am a work in progress. I realized it's ok to make mistakes as long as you make an effort to change and learn from those experiences and grow as a better person.

* YES to accepting a JOB. So blessed to have one. God hears our prayers.

* YES for a great new beginning. Starting to heal and accept myself. Being able to forgive and been forgiven. Started the year right. Just turned 23 and God revealed so much to me. He wants me to be prepared to receive all the graces and even challenges that's coming my way.

* YES to being transferred to a different branch of the NURSERY thus meeting new people to work with and even kids to take care of. In short, a new environment.

* YES to LOVE, TAKE RISKS  and GET HURT AGAIN. I learned to forgive, let God and let go.. He will forever be my Almighty.

* YES to attend the CHRISTIAN LIFE PROGRAM of CFC SINGLES FOR CHRIST rather than being endorsed or integrated. I choose the hard way hahaha I endured months of traveling and attending the activity. I met new friends and my spirit was renewed and my faith strengthened. Thank God I survived and now I am an SFC member!! It's all worth it.

* SAYING YES TO REAL LOVE WAITS. There's joy in waiting. I know He is molding me for the person He has prepared for me.


* YES to healthy living, eating right, going to the gym and lose weight hahaha I gained 10 kgs and it is difficult for me to move. YEAH I am lazy and getting old.. I decided that it is time for a change. HAHA HIYANG NA HIYANG SA DUBAI EH! I'm going to do it because God knows I can hehe and I surely will.

* Saying YES to endurance in life and endurance in MISSION.



- Committing one's self to the Lord
- Accepting His will, purpose and plan for your life..
- Being equipped to battle whatever hindrances that comes your way
- Preparing one's self to experience God's ultimate grace, mercy and love
- Allowing for struggles, hindrances, disappointments, pains, sufferings to test your faith and overcoming them.. all for the glory of the Lord
- Embracing and loving the changes in one's life
- Being confident on the Lord's divine providence
- Holding on and focusing to the promises of the Lord
- Making a move that's one step closer to God's calling in leading His people..
- Forgetting our circumstances
- Laying our unworthiness down..
- Denying our self, picking our own cross and following Jesus..
- Putting our hope in the Lord…
- Loving the Lord and therefore loving His people..
- Strengthening one's faith
- A great and memorable experience with the Almighty

When we say yes to Him it means that we will be having a lifelong commitment to Him.. Despite the trials and struggle, I still try to say YES to HIM…

In following the Lord, we only have two choices: YES LORD or OH YES YES LORD!!!!

If I hadn't said YES to the calling of the Lord then I wouldn't be here experiencing His Almighty grace in my life… Because SAYING YES has LEAD me to the UAE…

How about you? Where has your YES led you? SHARE!!!!!!!!!!
----> Inspired by the talks/session from the CFC YFC 19th ILC at AKLAN, PHILIPPINES last APRIL 12-15, 2012 :)) Proud ONLINE DELEGATE! Thank you! Praise God!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014



T- Total surrender to God's will

MARY – (Luke 1:38).  I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word..

Mama Mary accepted, submitted and surrendered herself to God.

If you want to follow me, you must deny yourself and pick up your cross...

We give our total dependence to the will of God in all aspects of our life, in studies, in service and in relationships. We deny ourselves to the point of regarding others as more important than ourselves. 

Mary though young, humbled and submitted herself to God. Knowing that it's going to be difficult she surrendered it all to God without doubts but will total faith and trust.

R- Rest in His embrace 

David (2 Samuel 11:1-5/ 2 Samuel 12:16)

In his sinfulness and shame, He chose to repent and finds comfort from God’s forgiving embrace. He trusts the Lord and draws strength from Him.

Today, when we sin, we turn away from God, our Father. We choose evil. Then we feel unhappy and sad because we offend God who loves us so much.  We begin to see that we have been bad. But Christ wants us to repent (act of penance) and be reconciled with Him (absolution of the priest) through the sacrament of confession. Christ willed that His church should continue his work of healing and salvation. Confession is a continuing obligation of every Christian.

God wants us to repent after committing mistakes. He doesn't want us to be lost. He wants us to come to him. Imperfect as we are, we tend to run away from Him but what He wants is that we run toward Him. It's ok to commit sin but it should not always be a reason to keep doing it. We should learn to accept and correct them and even avoid committing it again. When we sin our thoughts become clouded and makes us vulnerable to different temptations. God wants us to be near Him so as to change the things we do and become better in His eyes.

U- United in His Love

Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

Jeremiah is a young prophet who was chosen by the Lord and was given the authority over the nations. Though he was young, He trusted that the love of God will bring him through wherever God leads him to.

Just like him, as young as we are, we are called to serve and become leaders in our areas. In spite of our weaknesses and rejection, we find our security, assurance and completeness in God’s love.

We are bound and united in His LOVE. That is how we are connected to one another.. God first loved us. Our next task is to give and share the love to others. And being a blessing to the lives of others is a factor. When all else fails, rest assured that God is love and He is all what we need. We can put our trust in His unfailing, unconditional and undying love. :-) A love worth fighting and dying on the cross for the sake of our sins. Thank you Lord for saving me and being nailed to the cross because you loved a sinner like me.

S- Silent in His Presence

Jesus Calms the storm (Luke 8: 22-25)

In the midst of the storm, Christ exudes inner peace. In his heart He completely trusts the Father and remained calm.

For us leaders, our members looked up to us, and they see us as role models. In any activities that we may encounter difficult times, we should keep our calmness or poise and be confident that the Lord is in control.

Being silent gives you a chance to listen more. In the silence of our hearts is where God speaks the loudest. We must listen to it and learn to understand what He is saying. Find a place where you can communicate to Him freely and be yourself before God. Only with Him can we find rest and peace. Only with Prayer and scriptures can we be secured and that we can feel His presence in us.

When faced with difficulties, learn to be silent. Learn to pray and entrust it all to God. Being silent means thinking a better strategy and asking for God's knowledge and wisdom for your actions. Smile and show them how God taught you to be, Like Christ.

T- Thankful and grateful in His faithfulness

Job (Job 1:21)

An inspiring story of Job tells us of the many trials and test of faith, and yet be thankful and grateful for God’s faithfulness and promise. In whatever situation, we see it as an opportunity to grow and an opportunity for God to prepare and mold us according to His greater will.

The greatest form of worship comes from a person who is enduring/suffering. It's never easy to praise and thank God when you're in the midst of a trial or pain. Nevertheless being able to do so makes you humble but great. It just shows how strong your faith for Him is. It is actually easy to praise and thank Him during joy and happiness without the feeling of sincerity unlike when you're during the trial. The feeling and emotions are felt and expressed to the highest level.

WORSHIPPING GOD during the trial will be the most difficult of all. It's easy to praise and glorify Him during happiness but praising Him during trials, problems, struggles and challenges is a bit hard. God wants to feel the sweetness of our prayers. God tests us to see how strong we are. He wants to see how we overcome the challenges that pass by us. He wants us to feel the pains that we are going through and assures us that it's all worth it and a reward is waiting for us on the other side..

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Letter to future 4G

To my future 4G,

How are you? I hope you’re doing fine. It's a bit funny that I’m writing this to the person God has prepared for me without having a clue who he’s going to be. I’m so excited to meet you and to journey with you. My heart is full of joy knowing that someone out there is waiting, looking for me, who’ll pursue me and who’ll be my prince that will ask me from God, our King.

I am anticipating what you’re appearance is but it doesn’t matter as long as you make me happy and you’re being yourself. I can’t wait to do things together. I have a lot of stories to tell. I can't even wait for us to go out on mission and we’ll be serving God as a couple. I desire that our relationship will start being friends, centered in Christ, guided by the community, built by trust, founded with love and strengthened by faith.

I think God has a reason why until now I’m still waiting. I guess I have things to learn, areas to improve on and some issues to deal with first. I know God has a perfect time for everything. His ways and plans are better than ours. I think you also have to do the same. I know you’re excited for the time that we’ll see each other. Waiting can be frustrating but in the end it’s going to be worth it. Good things come to those who wait. I admit that I may have rushed things before and it just led me to be hurt. Well it was a major lesson learned. God says to be patient and just enjoy the moment.

For now, let’s focus with our priorities and when things are in their right places, when we’re both ready to commit and entrust our future then we’ll see how and where it goes. I have no idea what’s going to happen. Things, feelings and situations are not certain for only God and his love is constant. I only pray for courage and strength to keep on waiting. As I wait for you, I will enjoy serving God to the best of my abilities. I will give my time for my family, for my career, saving up for my future and for the community.

Wherever you are, I have a strong conviction that God is preparing the best love story for us. The reason why the past relationships didn’t work was because we have to be matured enough and to learn from them. I hope we don’t get tired of waiting and serving God. I hope to meet a person who’s after God’s heart and Christ’s being.

I am a gift, treasure me as God intended.
Hold me accountable, give me guidelines to live by and discipline me with love.
Psalm 127:3

See you soon and so until we meet my future God’s greatest and gorgeous gift.
May God bless you more and more. Be still and remember God loves you dearly beloved.

~Right here faithfully and joyfully waiting,
Your God’s greatest and gorgeous gift aka 4G,
Ms. Lim, Sarah Lauren <3