I have been an advocate of true love waits ever since I started in the community last 2005. I believe that we should not rush to be in a relationship because God has a plan to fulfill in us first before He can give that one person He has prepared for us before we were born. I waited until I was 17 before I can actually have a relationship but it only lasted for 3 months. I knew that I just wanted to know what it felt like but I guess I wasn't ready for the commitment and I needed to focus in my studies first. I know it's easier said than done and I have struggled much being on my own. I was jealous to others who had but I have found comfort, assurance and hope for the times I was lonely, doubting, worried and I have sought support from God and my loved ones.My second relationship was with a YFC brother whom I served with since 2007. Of course we waited for a while and once I became a registered nurse, our love story began. We were partners in crime, service comrade, mission buddy, prayer partner, camera fanatic and we'd always have our food trip adventures. It ended when I left the country to work in the UAE. I admit it was my fault back then and it took us nearly 2 years to have a formal closure. It was settled when I went home last July 2013. We then became friends but it was a process we had to go through. Months passed and we were talking like nothing happened. Now we are like siblings again, a work in progress, no longer in YFC but in SFC and I am happy that even an Ex can become your friend.
Being single is a blessing in a disguise. Yes, my status is single, blessed, hopefully and patiently waiting for my God's greatest and gorgeous gift (4G) to come. I have been single for 3 years now and never in my life was I alone. Well there were trying times and even situations that I wanted to jump right in a relationship just so I can change my status. I had struggled with emotional crisis that sometimes I didn't understood why. I admit that I feel pressured not just from what I see, hear and perceive. Society can sometimes be rude, judgmental and trivial regarding the relationship status especially when age is concerned. Also, my heart longs and seeks for the presence of someone. I guess everybody needs love and to be loved back. I miss the feeling of someone loving and caring for me yet I know I have to endure the waiting process. I'm in the stage of my life wherein it's a battle against "Intimacy vs. Isolation" as per Erikson's stages of Psychosocial development.
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FB status last May 25, 2013 |
"....God has wonderfully surrounded me with family and friends that loves and cares for me so much. I feel blessed to have them. And I know in His time, He will bless me with a great love story specially designed and planned for me. I am excited when that time will come and I know that I am being prepared for that. For now, I will patiently wait, hoping for the best, trusting His will, loving and serving Him ever more and giving all the best of me for His great glory.. Thank you for this realization Lord. Praise God. " (Single but never alone)
Experiences are the best teacher. I have learned more and I have gone out of my comfort zone, have mended my broken heart and is getting ready for whatever lies ahead. I know I have crazy dreams once in a while wherein I dream of my crush/someone and it has been one of my simple joys. I know I am 25 and having a crush on someone feels like I'm in high school with all the butterflies in my stomach, crazy imaginations and the happy blushing expression I have once I am talking about or thinking of Him. Of course I am a work in progress, nearly maturing, a kid at heart and a beloved daughter of God. I have desires, fantasies, goals and crazy dreams too. One of it would be desiring to be in a relationship with someone with the hope of being married in the future. In God's time, crazy and impossible it seems but whatever your will Lord, may it be done.
Years have passed and a lot has changed yet still single but never alone who's joyfully waiting, always praying, faithfully hoping and positively claiming the 4G from God.
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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!