Thursday, December 11, 2014

EFG: Patience while waiting

(I got this message way back 2010 in a book titled Emails from God by Cloninger)

Not Yet (Psalm 13:2-3)

Dear Child,

Time is a strange thing. To Me, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. I’m outside of time. Time is just something I made in which you live. I entered time when I sent Jesus to earth. So I know how frustrating time can be.

But I also know what’s best for you. The only way you can learn patience is by waiting. Some people pray, “Lord, teach me patience,and teach it to me now!” That doesn’t make much sense. Learning patience takes time. I hear your prayers. Keep praying. I may give you an answer quickly but if I’m teaching you to trust Me no matter what, I may ask you to wait. If you can learn to trust ME, if you can learn to wait on My timing, I will use you to do great things. Will you trust Me?

Your Leader,

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!