Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weird dreams Part 2

Then again.. I dreamed of somebody for the second time around and this time I think we were a couple already hahahah.. Or maybe was I assuming? I felt happy and we called ourselves "My Boy or Guy and My Girl" because we were in an intimate relationship. We go out for a date, walked near or by the bridge and I remembered cooking a white meal for Him like maybe oatmeal/porridge, lugaw, soup, or caldo! All I know is that it was something hot and I happily cooked it then we ate together hehe..

Hmmmm who is this person that I've been dreaming of? I never think of somebody or anyone. Hmmmm I don't know.. ehehehe I think unconsciously???? Well but yeah I miss the feeling of somebody caring for you. Someone who would make you happy and do crazy things for you. He would call and text you for no reason but say I love you! He would give you flowers, chocolates or anything He thinks you love. You would go to Mass together then go out after. He would offer to take you home and you would talk over the home til midnight. You would even see each other everyday or even play cards together. You would do things you both love and even do skype hahahah.. Then He would meet your family and then you would also meet his family. Then you would celebrate monthsaries, anniversaries, birthdays and all other special occasions.. :)

Owwwww it's been almost 17 months since I was into a relationship and I guess it's about time I prepare my heart to accept. Actually it's been prepared and ready hehehe.. :)) God allowed me to learn, to mature, to realize, to wait, to heal and to be better. Woooh time to brush off the fears away and let love take over..hehehe

I had a 2 minute conversation with an Indian friend working in a grocery store which I usually buy from at the elevator.. He asked me, "You've changed and it's beautiful." I was flattered, blushing and happy then answered, "Yes I did. I changed the color of my hair and everything!" He then asked, "Are you married?" I said, "No." He asked again, "Single? You have boyfriend?" I proudly said, "No, not yet! Soon!" Then he wondered, "Why?" I answered, "Well I'm waiting and sooon!" Then our conversation ended because we parted ways heheh

I then asked myself after that, "Am I ready to enter in a relationship?" Or maybe I just need someone who'll listen to me and even comfort me in times of distress. I am not sure if I do need a boyfriend now or am I just lazy to explore hahahah.. *kidding! But then I guess it's in a ratio of 65 sure and 35 unsure (65/35)..

Then again, God assures me to wait. :) That while I wait, I should pray, I should serve and I should focus myself unto Him more. He wants me to go and explore. I know He never fails and that He has planned all of this. Sooon in the right time, He will be mine. :) With God's grace, AMEN!

I have YOU in my heart.
-Philippians 1:7

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!