Saturday, May 4, 2013

Epic fail bangs!

It has been 2 weeks since the Epic fail bangs!! BOOOOOOM! I immediately cut it without thinking thus made it look so epic fail! grrrrrrrr..

But then again... I learned it the right way.. And now I discovered a technique to cut it yahooooooooooooo! hehehe so here's the epic fail bangs.. I thought it was ok but I needed to fix it so that it will look like it's professionally cut by an unprofessional person hahahah..

But then mistakes make you realize and you learn to do it right, the next time.. :)) So just wanted to enjoy my epic fail bangs and this is the second worst thing that I did with my hair heheh hoping it will never happen the third time hehehe :)) At least I learned! YEAAAAAAAAAAH!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!