Sunday, May 19, 2013

Get ready Child

Don't be afraid. Get ready. Surrender. Be excited. Pray. Hope.

I feel anxious today because I remembered something that I have been yearning to do ever since and now I feel like I am not ready or that I am doubting if I can really do it. Imagining and planning things make me tired and over thinking brings me stress. For now, I know God wants me to be ready for all the possibilities that will happen and He wants me to keep trusting for He has great things that soon will be revealed in His right time.

If you fail to plan then you're planning to fail.. hahaha just remembered that line.. :) I just thought about it and somehow exaggerating is not a good thing to do now..

All I know is that I will be still knowing that God is God and we are not and He holds our future. :) I will trust Him and I will be ready for whatever it is that will soon happen. I hope my heart is flexible and open enough to accept all that I will be going through sooooooooooon..

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!