Saturday, April 13, 2013



Why more faith and no fear??????

It was agreed by the committee that our theme for the first anniversary in Dubai Chapter B3 as Batch 43 of CFC Singles for Christ will be MORE FAITH, (it was formerly LESS) NO FEAR because it coincides with the theme of the Church that is the YEAR OF FAITH and the CFC theme to OBEY and WITNESS!

Here's the evolution of our theme design

We had several suggestions like but we agreed on the MORE FAITH and NO FEAR because… FEAR ENDS WHEN FAITH IN GOD BEGINS. PERFECT LOVE CASTS AWAY FEAR. The best way to conquer our FEAR is FAITH and LOVE FOR GOD. This year, our battle cry is to have MORE FAITH & NO or LESS FEAR!!!

Here's why…

* In order to proclaim the gospel and the good news we should have LESS FEAR and MORE FAITH..

* In order to be sent on a mission and be used as an instrument of God you should have NO FEAR but MORE FAITH..

* For you to be able to OBEY GOD AND WITNESS HIS MIRACLES, it requires NO FEAR BUT MORE FAITH..

* For God to do greater things for your life you must allow yourself to be FEARLESS and MORE FAITH..

* As a child of God, it requires FAITH in believing that He exists though we can't see Him and He assures us UNAFRAID because He's always there.

* To accomplish the mission, our hearts should be FREE FROM FEAR and FULL OF FAITH that whatever it is that may seem impossible will be possible because we believed!

* And by saying YES to the service, you are allowing God to work in your life and to transform you to become the person He wants you to be. By saying YES you are enabling yourself to greater opportunities that will test your FAITH and will conquer your FEARS.

* Fear is nothing compared to the FAITH and LOVE we have for GOD. With God we can accomplish greater and impossible things! We have to believe and have faith because FAITH and LOVE prevails!

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
1st Corinthians 16:13

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!