Saturday, April 27, 2013

1st year as CFC Singles for Christ

Today, April 27, 2013 marks another milestone in my life that I am blessed and grateful for. I never regretted it and I am happy that I choose to accept and be a part of it. Today is a gift that I really cherish and remembering the memories of last year brings me joy. At first it was never easy and after all it was worth all the struggle and God willingly rewarded me beyond what I imagined. After years of waiting, praying, longing and anticipating of moving on to the next chapter of my life and leaving my comfort zone which was in CFC Youth for Christ, I finally decided to crossover to CFC SFC. God prepared my heart and my maturity for me to let go and to accept where He wants me to be.

Today, I am celebrating my first year officially as a member of CFC Singles for Christ. Thank you Lord! Praise God!

I entered the CFC SFC community last January 2012. We had 13 talks for the CLP (Christian Life Program) and we ended last April 2012. I met a lot of good and inspiring people that inspired me to also inspire others and served as a guide. God answered my prayer because I was seeking Him and I was longing for a family to belong in Dubai. Being away from your loved ones is a struggle that we always try to overcome and I have found them here. I would never imagine that I have reached this far. God is so amazing and no words can describe how wonderfully He has molded, guided and led me to a life that's full of purpose and blessed me with a household, with friends and a family in the community. The SFC community opened doors of opportunities for me to serve, to grow, to improve, to be better and more lessons to learn. It made my life complete and worth living.

Blessed by God. Gifted with Loved.

I am grateful for God blessed me with a Household head who’s ever supportive, loving, caring and forgiving, my Nanay este Mudra Annie and to my special sisters in crime este sisters at heart, Ate Lhen, Ate Phet, Ate Kath and adopted sister Ate Ann hehehe.. Thank you for your understanding, love and patience. I love and miss you big time! God knows how blessed and thankful I am for knowing you and for uniting us as one household! Looking forward to serve with you and be with you during activities!!!

Cheers to the 1st Anniversary in CFC Singles for Christ! Praying for many more joyful memories and endless heart to serve a great God and somehow be a full-pledged missionary in God's time and if God permits.

Lord thank you so much for everything! Everything I am now is all thanks to your grace and divine providence. May I be a source of forgiveness, joy, hope, love, peace, humility, unity and faith to your people. Use me Lord as an instrument to inspire, to bless, to witness and to proclaim your greatness throughout the ends of the earth. Teach me your ways Lord and make me your servant. Please have your way in me. Let your will be done. All of these I ask in Jesus' name and through the intercession of Mother Mary, Amen!!  

And for this, may God be praised! :)) Hallelujah!!!!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!