Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3 in 1 sa Abril 2013

 For almost a day I attended 3 SFC activities! Sobrang PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! It's amazing how God works in each of us. Lord please have your way in me! So far the 1 week off was worth it and to top it off here's what happened last Thursday night and Friday.

> > > > > ME UNITED – April 4, 2013

This is my second time attending this and I am happy because I arrived early at Majestic Hotel and I am excited for God's revelation to me through ME United. The host country was from Qatar and truly God worked in the hearts of His people beyond reasonable doubt. As the worship leader was leading us, I was praying deep within me because I have been struggling with my prayer time. I totally lost it again and somehow I felt guilty. I felt like a hypocrite and I became contented with just reading the daily reading for 5-10 minutes then that's already a prayer that I consider for the day. I know that it is my duty to pray to Him even just for a short while but I feel busy, lazy, tired and other things. "Lord what shall I do? I just don't know anymore."

As I close my eyes and seek Him, the song I heard sounds familiar. I thought it was just a background because the worship leader was sharing. I was also reflecting and listening. I didn’t expect that we will actually sing the song. As he mentioned: Lord please have your way. When I heard those words, I was moved to tears. I felt the Lord's presence touching me and the song became my cry to the Lord. "Lord please have your way in me." I miss worshipping and singing this song. I really long for the YFC songs to soon be sang in SFC. "This heart belongs to you Jesus" Lord I miss you but somehow why is it so hard? I had a lot of questions and all I can do is trust the Lord that he has great plans for me and for everyone.

Here are the song lines that touched me deeply and gave me a reason to worship the Lord more!! J Praise God! Thank you Lord! AMEN!

"I'll forever be GRATEFUL!"

"I will follow your way for your love has taken my heart, my life, my praise is ALL FOR YOU!!!"

"I AM BLESSED by your love and I'll never be the same."

"Jesus you're the one for me. You came and love me endlessly. And all I ever want is MORE OF YOU!"

 After the activity, I went with Ate Mai because we have Program summit in the morning. I will be sleeping over again hihi.. so we had dinner at Ravi's (Bur Dubai) and I met new friends from Ate Mai's chapter (B1). It was a night of laughter, chikahan at fooooood trip! Thank you to the generosity of Kuya Nel for paying my food expense today! Yehey! I am blessed Lord.. It was a fun night and we went home at 2 am already and I was feeling sleepy. We arrived home at 2:30 am and slept.


We took a taxi going to Crowne Plaza Hotel, Deira and we arrived at 9 am and late. We woke up late so sadly we missed the worship. Tito Vince was giving the talk about SFC. After that they presented the different programs and advocacies supported by SFC. It's hard to listen when you're sleepy and at the same time, so hungry but then I tried to yet I'm still distracted. I also had a headache maybe because of lack of sleep and hunger. I carried on and was happy because at last I filled up the Bring M.E. home paper! And they introduced the SCOM (SFC Communications) which is a new program and it's more like the YCOM in YFC hehe..

We ended the activity with a worship and again I was hyped up by the Lord. The last song they sung was I surrender which is my favorite.. The Lord lovingly told me to surrender it all to Him. Though I may fail to tell it him, he knows and he can feel it. Lord thank you for your comfort. You never fail to make your presence felt. Truly I surrender everything to You. Let your will be done Oh Lord!

We had a picture taking then we head home to rest because later will be our first anniversary as SFC! I ate lunch and slept at Ate Kate's place. I needed to rest because I had to be energized for the activity later.

The awaited hour time and all the preparations were ready. The photo booth was all set with balloons, lighting and camera! Bravo! The powerpoint was fine and somehow I managed the projector together with Ate Mae and Ate Maggie. We just had a last minute cramming since it was on the spot teaching and I felt scared but I had to be confident and strong that I will not fail. Praise God for the technical skills and we managed to do it professionally (though had errors but it's our first time)!!!!

The opening worship was led by Kuya Migs and it was truly empowering! I could feel how God worked in his life and the messages coming from him moved us all to deep communication with God. It's his first time to lead the worship but for me it doesn't feel that way. God truly moves in mysterious ways. We need to have more faith and no fear to proclaim how great God is! After that we had the dinner then we started the activity and ended past 12! Wohoooooo! The honoring of household heads and sharing were so inspiring! So glad to be a part of this vibrant chapter and we reminisced our SFC memories as we were babies and look how we have grown?! The song tribute of Thanks to you moved our nanay and tatay closed to tears. The reason for this celebration was to thank those who nurtured us and touched our hearts and bring back the glory to God. We ended the activity with a worship and again it was not an ordinary worship led by a first timer. The song "Heart of worship" became our cry as we sincerely ask forgiveness from the Lord.

I realized as I was operating and at the same time worshipping God, that this is the true meaning of responsibility. Though I find it hard to concentrate but it's all worth it. I felt unworthy because I lack communication with God. I am used to just reading the daily reading. I find it hard and I admit I became lazy that all I wanted to do was sleeeep! There was a time that I felt conscious and I couldn't raise my hand even if I wanted to. I guess I was holding something within. But as we were singing Heart of worship and as I apologized to God, it was then that I raised my hand wanting to hold and reach Him. I felt relieved and that I still want more of Him. I still feel empty and longing. I can't explain it or was I tired and stressed?

I still had headache and I really wanted to go home. When I heard someone conversing that they will drive her home to gardens, I without doubt, increased my confidence and plead to ask if they can drop me off Mall of the emirates. I really want to go home so that I can rest and sleep. With God's grace, she said Yes and I leapt for joy! Then as I thought we were heading home, mudra called asking if we could have coffee and they agreed. I transferred to mudra's car and they drove going to Jebel Ali. I slept in the car since I was so tired and my headache is not going away. Good thing they advised me to drink paracetamol/biogesic or panadol because it is a result of lack of sleep and lipas gutom (not eating on time or starving yourself). I was knocked out but somehow woke up to a big bump but then slept again. We arrived at the gate at 2:30 in the morning to have coffee and fries at Mc Donald's!


To my SFC household.. Sa wakes complete na uli :D So happy that God has blessed and allowed us to grow.. Looking forward for more bonding and household.

I arrived home at 4 in the morning! Thank you Lord for bringing me home safe and sound.. I felt fulfilled and happy though tired and stressed. Finally Lord it is finished! This is all worth it! Yahooo! Thank you! Praise God for the opportunities and learning! Now off for a good old sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!

BLESSED!!!!!! :))
For a day I experienced God's greatness because I obeyed and through his grace witnessed how he transformed me from an ordinary water to an exptraordinary and tasty wine!!! Truly let's celebrate!! ONE TIME, BIG TIME!!

Happy 20th birthday CFC Youth for Christ and Happy 1st year anniversary in CFC Singles for Christ! WAHOOOOOOOOO! LIVING HIGH, LOUD AND PROUD!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!