Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Incredibly Living Christ: IL C U!

CFC YFC ILC at CEBU (2009) and BAGUIO (2010)!!

I entered the community way back 2005 and I was 1st year in college that time. I never had the opportunity to attend the ILC because we had summer classes and duties in school. I have heard stories from those who attended the ILC and somehow it gave me a drive to be excited to witness what ILC was. 4 years later and after I graduated I prayed for the grace to attend the ILC. At first I wasn't permitted to be absent because we had a review in preparation for the board exam. I cried hard because my heart desires to go.

It was a Tuesday gathering when the delegates where practicing the chant for ILC and after the worship, I felt as if God is whispering to me that I should go. I didn't know what struck me that time and I was crying and my tears were overflowing. I didn't want to regret not going and I was ready to leave everything behind. It was 2 days before they leave for Cebu. Praise God with His grace I was able to seek help in looking for a slot and money for the expenses. I bravely asked my father for permission and immediately he permitted me to go. I even asked our instructors because I will miss the lessons and exams and they said I can re-take the exam and that I need to catch up with the absences. I left with a seeking, longing, hoping and trustful heart and with an immense thirst for God.

As we were traveling, deep inside I was in denial because I can't even believe that I am actually going to the 16th ILC in Cebu. I didn't know what ILC would be and it has increased my excitement and I know that this is going to be a best weekend with the Lord. I was surprised seeing 10K youths worshipping God. I was amazed with the set-up, food, competitions, concert of the priests, workshops, Eucharistic celebrations, Way of the Cross, booths, praise parade and the sessions. The ILC has opened a gate of opportunities for me to serve God. It taught me to step up to a greater call in serving the Lord through High school based.

I then decided to attend the 17th ILC in Baguio because I want more of Jesus. Since then my life was never the same and everything has changed. The 18th ILC CDO was where I first witnessed through live stream. It was due to circumstances. At CDO, I was so blessed to be there spiritually and I was able to listen to the sessions and be one with them in the worship. I didn't know that during that year I will be leaving the country and again I know I will miss a lot of YFC activities. Then again, I am so thankful for the advance technology because if not for it then I wouldn't experience 19th ILC AKLAN. Though separated by distance and differences in time zones, I was able to again be a witness.

This 2013 is the 20th year of CFC Youth for Christ and I am happy on how YFC has changed the lives of its members. The ILC will be a week long celebration of God's greatness and goodness. I know that it will be an ultimate reunion and a union with God Almighty! I am excited for those who will attend the event and for the sessions and worship. I am hopeful that God has a different plan for me on why I can't leave Dubai to go home in the Philippines. However I am confident, trustful of the Lord's will and is looking forward to obey, to witness and to see the SON rise in MANILA through live streaming. So IL C U!

May God be praised!!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!