Monday, April 22, 2013


The fruit of hard work!
I was asked by my co-worker to setup the new toy in our nursery last week! I immediately said "YES" because I am fascinated with putting up things together or building stuffs! At first I didn't know where to start or even how shall I do it.. So I checked the instructions and the pictures.

Then as I was going on, the kids were so curious as to what I was doing and kept asking me about it. They were somehow excited of the outcome since it looks cool and new in their eyes. I told them to wait and play as I was constructing the toy. I started putting the stickers and I felt confused since the instructions showed pictures and numbers also letters. I felt like solving a math puzzle hahaha.. The kids then wondered why I was taking so long and some offered to help me do it. :)

It took me like 2-3 hours in constructing this toy! I felt relieved and happy to be able to do it! All the effort I gave was paid with happiness and smiles from the kids as they were playing with it. The problem however is that the material is easy to break and you need to keep on placing it in since it comes off. 1 week after the setup, the toy is still fine but some of the pieces are missing hahaha! Oh well! It's not made to last for kids below 4 but after all, it's WORTH THE STRUGGLE! :))

#blessed    #happy    #love    #allforGod

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!