Monday, April 1, 2013


Yeah it's my first time to have my hair colored and to be cut with short waves to create an illusion on having a thick hair.. (Shaggy is how they call it I think)

So I'm a bit obsessed and vain today.. hihihi Well it always happens during the first time and the first try.. I am overwhelmed for those who liked my hair and commented that it suits me well. They even suggested a lighter color than this.. The color of the hair dye from Garnier was Dark Blonde..hihih..

So it's a lighter one but I think after a few days it's going to be darker.. I heard it from a friend.. Of course the hair is going to be washed several times. Yesterday I felt that everybody was staring at me but then I realized that it was because of the strange smell from the hair dye. Wooooh! I also noticed that my hair became dry and frizzy. So before coloring your hair, it's better to deep condition a week or few days before.. (lesson learned) Thank you Lord! I'm so happy with this new style :)) The changes are finally sinking in!

Happy Easter!!!! May Christ's resurrection be a source of hope and life to everyone!

Cheers to the new me! This is going to be a start of something new!! :))

Rrrrrrrrr I so love my hair style and new color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

Happy April Fools!!!!!!! ayiyiyiyiyiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :>

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!