Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Carrying the CROSS

I remember the story I heard from a priest in his homily. It was during a bible study wherein they finish discussing something and the preacher decided to let them bring their cross on the next bible study and everyone agreed.

The awaited day came and the attendees brought with them their own cross with different shapes, sizes and composition. Some carried metal, plastics, wood and china-wares. Some had pink, blue, black, brown, white and rainbow colors. Some brought small, medium, big, pocket and even life-sized. Then everybody was asked to raise their hands and their crosses. The priest then noticed a woman without any cross. He asked the woman: "Where is your cross? Didn't we agree to bring a cross today?" The woman answered: "I did bring my own cross and it's my husband!"

We all have our own cross to carry. It can be your husband or wife, work, family, siblings, relatives, money issues, unresolved conflicts, friends, pressure, health, inability to forgive, personal concerns, religion, addictions, relationships and other things. We become attached to the world that we forget the importance of the cross. The cross serves us the bridge to God. Jesus saved us from our sins and renewed us. The cross is a sign of God's ultimate and unconditional love for man through the suffering of His own begotten Son, Jesus Christ. It is through the cross that we share the same suffering and the same experiences Jesus did.

Jesus is the bridge that connects People to God..

The question now is, Are you willing to follow Jesus by carrying your own cross? Are you ready to obey and witness the fulfillment of His promises and the miracles He will reveal? Are you mission ready to go and serve His people to the ends of the earth or wherever He wants you to go? God wants your sincere YES because He has called you by name and surely He knows you'll say YES because this is for the BEST! :D 

May God bless our hearts and give us the grace to carry our own cross as we live our life for His glory! Keep and nourish the desire to serve God in our heart forever remain! All for God! :) Praise the Great God! AMEN! :) Thank you Lord! <3 :)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!