Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Magic moment with God

"Because every encounter with God is a magic moment to remember. "

Don’t be deceived by the word “magic”. It is what all of us think but when we talk that is related to God then it is beyond our wildest imagination.

Magic (according to merriam-webster.com) is defined as a
-a power that allows people (such as witches and wizards) to do impossible things by saying special words or performing special actions
- illusion or tricks that seem to be impossible and that are done by a performer to entertain people with special power, influence, or skill
- the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces
- an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source

Magic is a mysterious but powerful feeling. Somehow love is connected with magic and so does a moment with God. I had a wonderful magic moment with God during the U-turn retreat at St. Mary’s Church last April 5, 2014. We had the Taize prayer and God was present in the Holy Sacrament. I closed my eyes and imagined being in His presence. I was praying and thanking Him for all of the blessings I have received, from the family, career, service, household, mission, gift of relationships, future GG and desiring to become the best version of myself. They were leading us to pray and we had songs to sing and a few chant to profess.

Every encounter with God is a magic moment! :) Worth it!
(my imagined sketch but a lot different from the actual scenario)
For God’s magic to happen, we need to recite verses, open our hearts, sing psalms, believe in our prayers, surrender to His will and entrust all our cares. When we have set aside our own selves then we can truly seek God and listen to His words. God moves and works in mysterious ways. During the prayer, I was trying to focus because I am easily distracted. I can hear noises from phones, cameras, chairs and movement of people. I closed my eyes and just kept going. Few minutes passed, we were encouraged to sit and then the majority of all followed. I kept kneeling because I felt unworthy to either sit or stand in front of the blessed sacrament. I should kneel because God deserves this. I decided to offer a simple sacrifice for everything that He has done for me. I don’t deserve all these blessings but through His grace He has given me far what I have asked and even better than I have imagined.
Few more minutes passed, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation on my knees. I said: “This is normal because it has been a while since I kneeled longer. I can do this.” Songs were being played and sang beautifully for us to reflect on. I kept praying and I was so distracted with what I’m seeing even if the lights were off. I looked at the sacrament then I closed my eyes, I prayed harder and I imagined God in my mind. My heart was full of gratefulness and joy that my feelings were overflowing since a lot of wonderful things happened.
I applied what I learned on how to deepen our prayer life. I don’t know what it was called but I tried inhaling this and exhaling that. To what I perceived it’s like doing long breaths and allowing God to enter and expelling the negative things we encounter. So basically you’re breathing but in your heart you are communicating with the mind and the rest of your body. I was like “inhale Jesus, exhale worries.. inhale Jesus, exhale concerns… inhale love, exhale hate.. inhale Jesus, exhale pain.. inhale strength, exhale weakness.. inhale forgiveness, exhale hurts.. inhale Jesus… exhale Jesus…etc..”
20 minutes passed and I was close to giving up. I wanted to sit because I can feel the pain on my knees. I just thought “A few more. This is nothing compared to all the pain and suffering that Jesus did for me on the cross. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)” Temptation really knocks when you least expect it but I had to keep my word and overcome this. I kept saying after every song that I will sit but then I just said “Kaya ko pa! (I can do it!)” I kneeled a little longer and I encouraged myself to not give up. I am person who endures a lot as long as I can do it.

I continued and I kept pushing. I wanted to stop but there's something in me that says "a little more.." I kept going and after almost 35 minutes, everybody was asked to kneel. I was smiling deep within because I have conquered my doubts and I knew God was smiling at the little sacrifice I did. I can feel the numbness and pain but it was nothing compared to the joy that I felt in my heart. I have experienced a magic moment with Jesus as I stare and pray during that time. It was an extraordinary moment and the Taize experience doesn't happen everyday.

I praise and thank God for the opportunity to feel His immense love through the Blessed Sacrament. It brought me healing, forgiveness and peace. Thank you for making me feel your greatness "for heaven is here in my heart.." Lord I need you. I am sorry. I love you. Thank you so much!!!!! I am looking forward for the next encounter with you and surely it is going to be a magic moment to remember! :)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!