Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Family Skype Picture

  I was teary eyed because I was looking forward to going home but God has something in store for me. Praise God for the social media that we were complete kahit sa SKYPE lang.. I celebrated my 3rd Simbang Gabi, 3rd Christmas, 3rd New Year, 3rd birthday, 3rd Valentines, 3rd Ash Wednesday, 3rd Holy week and nearly 3rd year in the UAE away from home (Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines).

Our last Christmas and New Year was 2004 and that was nearly 9 years ago. We were so young that time. I studied BSN last 2005 then Mama left to work in the U.S. for 8 years without going home. Papa worked in KSA and was blessed to go home and to visit Mama as well. Kevin and Carla was in High School and Vince was in elementary. We were cared for by Manang Evelyn and Joy while our parents were away. Ate Karen was working in Manila while we were in the province. I am grateful for the hard work and sacrifice that Mama and Papa has given us. Thank you for your love and for your guidance not only with mine but for the 5 of us.

We were able to finish our studies. We were able to enjoy our life without worrying because all our needs and even our wants was provided generously by Mama and Papa. We were blessed to be living in a house that protected us, with having an internet, with having several computers, latest gadgets and having allowances even if we were already finished with school. Your example is a legacy that inspired us. Your love was genuine and selfless. Hindi man namin masuklian yun but we we will try to give back because it's our time to bless you. You have done too much for me and now it's my turn. As I said before I will really try to be the best for you Mama, Papa and for our family. I am proud that you are my parents.

Imagine how the years have passed and it feels like only yesterday. We are all grown up now. We even have Kyle Lawrence Andrei Lim. We have achieved our dreams one at a time. Still we are learning and improving with our lives. We are getting better and I am happy to have this moment.

My only wish is that soon we will be complete. We will celebrate the important events of our life as one complete family. The Christmas that I long to experience. The missed events of our family namely the 25th anniversary, the 30th anniversary, the graduations that passed, the birthdays and many more to come.

I know God has prepared a great plan for us. I will never stop believing because He is a great God. He has shown how time is important in our life and soon we will have that time. I am excited and I am hopeful knowing that He hears our prayers, our desires and our dreams at the right time.

I miss you. I love you! See you all soooooon..

Thank you Lord. I am blessed beyond measure! My Family is God's greatest and gorgeous gift!  Praise God!


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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!