Tuesday, June 10, 2014


You may be wondering what's the meaning behind the hashtag..
I hope it makes you think what BBM means... Hmmmmm...

Here are some ideas that I am BBM could mean...

+ I am blackberry messenger... (hahaha kidding)
+ I am a busy bee in motion... (cooool!)
+ I am beautiful but mysterious... (proud woman here)
+ I am broken but moving on... (woah! so deeep)
+ I am blessed beyond measure.. (definitely)

This blog (project) will contain all the blessings received (whether good or bad)..

No matter how I think about it.. God's never ending generosity surpasses all things and He blesses us beyond measurable units. Sometimes He gives us His grace abundantly that even we, feel we're unworthy to have them. God gives. God loves us. We are God's beloved. And God blesses us so we can be a blessing to others.

Share the blessings by being JOYFUL, PRAYERFUL AND GRATEFUL. :)
Boldly and firmly declare that "I AM BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!" because the God of all grace has blessed me with so much that I am overflowing in thanksgiving and praise.
Soli Deo Gloria!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!