Session 1: Journey of a lifetime (Reflecting the passion of Jesus)
Sharer 3: (Jesus is stripped off His
SFC National Conference held in St. Mary's Church RAK, UAE
May 16, 2014 |
Saying YES to the Lord is a lifelong journey with the Almighty.
I am Sarah Lauren
Lim, an SFC from Dubai and a beloved daughter of God. I first said YES to the Lord during my Youth camp last 2005 in Capiz and after that my life was never the same again. My journey with God in
the UAE started last August 2011 when I was asked by Papa if I wanted to go to Dubai because He said there's YFC there, I then replied "Yes I will go for mission there." I arrived in Dubai last October 8, 2011 and believe it or
not the document I had with me was a birth certificate. I was blessed to be
taken care of by Tita Bel and Tito Danny Abutas. Everything was provided to me - visa, CV, college authenticated documents and I found a job and was grateful
since my documents arrived nearly before my visa expired. I joined SFC last
2012 after receiving my residence visa. I worked in the nursery as an assistant
teacher/nurse and was taking care of kids. I loved my job but the people I was
surrounded with had problems of their own and it was a struggle for me to get
along with them.
2013 came and a few
months before the end of contract, I started applying online. We had a CLP last
September and I was called to become a facilitator. I was blessed to handle 4
angels namely, Annie, Collete, Cristina and Maikie. I am also blessed to attend
the MEC and learned that I am God’s beloved. November came and I had an
interview at Ate Jhang's company who was offering thrice the salary, with an accessible
place in Warba, good benefits and 2 days off. She coached me before interview
and I passed. A week later I had an offer letter. Before signing, I was asked
and then they told me that they will put it on hold until I get my high school
documents ready since they can't issue a visa because I need to join them after
2 weeks. In my mind I was thinking how can it be possible? My province was
badly hit by Yolanda. I cried as I went home and I couldn’t hide it because I
felt being stripped off what I thought was for me. I spoke to my parents and
siblings. I simply prayed "Lord please have your way in me."
It was baptism week
of the CLP and the denial was the reason I was struggling with. I know I have
to overcome this. During the service team prayer, I shared the experience and I
said "I may have lost the opportunity but I gained a stronger faith."
I had to let go because God has something better in store for me. I believe God
is in control. He wants me to be still knowing He is God and that I have to
trust Him. "Lord may your will be done."
The CLP was a
success. My angels have graduated and are now SFC members. I send a non-renewal
letter. We agreed to have my visa cancelled early January. I kept applying
online and had several interviews. After Christmas, December 26th I
received a phone call from our PRO. I was threatened that if I don't sign the
cancellation then it will be my problem. I was shattered because it stated that
I have a 6 months labor ban and that I have received the money from them. He
said that it's a usual procedure. I signed and I felt something was wrong yet I
tried to smile. When I went home, I cried in secret and it was very painful
since I didn’t want them to know. I felt being stripped off my freedom by being
forced to sign. And so because of my obedience and fear, I signed and allowed
them to hurt me. Still thank you Lord for allowing my family and friends to
comfort me and for understanding my situation.
The greater the
struggle but far bigger is the victory that waits. I was heartbroken yet I
tried to accept wholeheartedly that in God there’s justice and I trust His plan
for me. I nearly finished my contract but they cancelled me 1 month earlier and
that’s the reason why I have a 6 month labor ban. Everybody wondered why and
advised me to report the incident because it’s not fair. Despite what happened,
I was happy to have a skype new year with my family and we were complete
virtually. I celebrated my 25th birthday and was blessed to witness
the miracle garden. I was ready for whatever God has prepared for me whether
it’s a new work here or considering going home since I want my family to be
complete. I wanted to see Mama whom I haven’t seen for 9 years since she worked
in US and she went home last year for good. I prayed and asked for God’s
guidance. During weekdays I would apply for work and attend interviews but on
weekends it was time for service. I continued to serve God and I would still be
positive whenever I encounter such negative experiences.
January 2014 was full
of hope, affirmation and unexpected surprises. My high school documents arrived
late but the opportunity is no longer there. The job application became
difficult for me since I was rejected every time because of the ban. The job
offer is often lower than the previous job. I received my back pay and finally
I had my passport with me. I exited in Kish Island, stayed there for 5 days
then I got 2 months tourist visa. I’ve got nearly empty NOL card load, housing
rent to pay and then realized I wasn’t financially prepared as I was running
out of resources but God in His generosity provided all of those. I would
attend the teachings, regular upper/lower household and also a CLP of a
different chapter so I can de-stress myself since I am pressured and worried
about my status.
God places his burden
to those who can carry its weight. February was the most difficult month for me
because for the first time I was deeply hurt more than the pain that I felt
when I heard about my ban. It was during the Parish Festival, when I met him
who became my inspiration and I thought He was the one that I was waiting for.
I was motivated but then he just left. OUCH! I was heartbroken again and I found
myself no longer interested to find a job. I found myself giving up and wanting
to go home. There I was trying to stand up, trying to push myself and telling
myself to keep going. I felt weak, alone and hopeless. I would encounter
sending mails and receiving no reply from them. It was depressing yet I held on
to God’s promise. I was also fooled in a skype interview wherein I applied for the post of a private nurse but they posted it
in without me knowing. I was embarrassed. I received calls from different nationalities and I considered
working as a nanny but God said through the song “Jesus I believe in you and I
would go to the ends of the earth..” That song pierced me and it was a reminder
to never give up on God and He has better plans ahead.
All the unwanted
feelings were kept within. I was misunderstood by those who didn’t know what I
was going through because I kept quiet. Still I managed to smile, remained
strong, hopeful and determined that God will bless my hearts desires in time
and by His grace my attitude towards the situation started to change. I have
felt being emptied little by little and things became clear to me. I had
experienced rejection, being abandoned, hopeless, lost, worried for my future
and heard negative feedbacks against me. I held on to God. My prayer time
became my strength and He was my comforter. He allowed me to go through it all
to realize what I desire. He stripped off the unnecessary things for Him to
give what I deserved. God is good for He has provided and has blessed me
abundantly. Never was I hungry, homeless or ran out of load for blessings just
continued to pour unexpectedly.
God never ends in
defeat. March became a new hope for me as I was surrendering it all to God. When
I thought it was the end, God assured me it was only a bend. Two weeks before
my visa expires, I had an interview at JLT then a week later started a 1 day
training. I passed my papers the next day and signed the offer letter. I
couldn't believe what I was experiencing since this is the moment that I have
been waiting for. After all that I have been through, here is what God has
prepared for me all this time - freezone visa, better pay, Christian boss who's
very kind, only girl in the office doing admin work, peaceful environment,
accessible workplace via metro, good timing and 2 days off. Truly God's delays
are not denials. All the bad experiences I had was nothing compared to the
glory He has revealed to me now. I finally understood why. Praise God!
April was a great
month for me. I exited at Kish as employment visa then started working. The medical
and visa is being processed. Things are falling into their right places and my
prayers have been answered beyond expectation. I realized God's purpose on why
He has allowed me to go through those things. He wanted me to let go, to accept,
to wait, to be patient, to understand, to love, to hope, to forgive, to trust
Him even if it didn't make sense, to be good even if they are not and He needed
my faith to be stronger. God has molded me to become a better and kinder person
that I can still be nice to the people who have hurt me. I have become a
witness of how He has transformed me during those trying moments. He truly is a
great and awesome God!
As I reflected with
Jesus' passion and how he was stripped off His garments, I realized that God
slowly stripped me not with my garments but of things, persons and
circumstances. He wants me to detach myself from those things that hinder me
from following Him. God wants me to be empty so He can fill me, to be stripped
off for me to gain and to experience pain for me to be strong. God never
deprived me because when I thought I have lost a lot, it is where He was
generous enough to pour down His blessings. Indeed I am blessed beyond measure
#iamBBM. Thank you Lord.
May became an awesome
and fulfilling month. I got my first pay, labor card, residence visa, emirates
ID and even a medical insurance. And now that I am staying here, God is calling
me to serve Him. He wants me to go out for mission. He keeps whispering
"You have a mission to fulfill." Praise God I was able to experience my first mission in Dibba, then in KFC and
I am looking forward for more. Looking back to what my father has asked me, I say "Yes Lord, I have a mission to fulfill and I will
never forget the reason why I'm here." So that explains why I
only had my birth certificate. In my mind, it was mission that I desired and
not work but then God is gracious to bless me both. Thank you Lord for your
amazing grace and wonderful journey. I am
blessed to grow up in YFC and now proud to be in SFC. Lord you have made things
beautiful in time and you are the best thing that has happened to me. I know
and I believe that this year you will unite my family who has been incomplete
for 9 years. Greater things are yet to come. Bless my talents that I may
glorify you that will inspire and evangelize others. I am ready to go. Send me Lord
for I don't know where but lead me there. Lord may your will be done and in
your name, I hope, I trust and I claim, Amen.
And for that brothers
and sisters, Deo Gloria! May God be praised!