Saturday, January 18, 2014

I love my household!

A household is a gift from God. If the family is the basic unit of society then a household is a basic unit of the CFC SFC community. Having a household is being part of a family that shares a common goal in life and that is to serve and glorify God. It is in the household that the teaching and learning takes place. It's where we are molded, maintained, uplifted, inspired, motivated and perhaps healed. It is also where we can talk about sensitive and personal issues within the people involved and there's confidence that nothing comes out but stays within the group.

It is through the household where my roots started to grow, gained a strong foundation, maintained a stable prayer time, inspired to bear fruit through my service and the exchange of relationships shared with other people.

A household is a blessing. It's a great and gorgeous gift from God. It's what we call 4G and it's not only limited to your boyfriend or girlfriend. Our families are considered 4G. Anything can be considered and it depends on the person values it.

I am blessed with 4 angels from God! Namely, Enina OcampoCollete CawagasCristina Padual Alday and Maikie Ann Quimson Aniciete! I am happy to journey with them and favored to share my life with theirs! I feel so honored to be a Nanay to them in our household. God is so good for allowing me to meet wonderful persons whom I will guide through the SFC community. I feel confident and somehow humbled knowing that serving them is my mission now! I also pray for their hearts, service and desire that may they seek God in all that they do. I hope they'll grow mature in serving Christ and find there purpose in glorifying Him. And when they will be ready, I know they will become effective leaders, servants and followers of God. I claim in Jesus' name and during the right time, may God's will be done, AMEN!

Happy 2014 to us! Cheers to a great year with God!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ayette's birthday message

(sent last January 2, 2014 - eve before the birthday)

Happy happy birthday Sarah Kailyn Lim!! too shy to give you VM.. so i came up with this... hahaha!!#throwback pics..!! i already sent you a message.. xado mahaba pag dito..dami ko sinabi eh.. ay oo nga pala may nakalimutan ako dun..yung isang wish ko for you.. wish ko..? hmmmm sana magkaroon ka na ng mamahalin at siyempre mamahalin bongga..!! yikeeeeeeeeeeee!! lalim!!  Godbless you more and most!!! be happy always!! i'm so excited to see you again beezst..!! oiiiiiiiiiiiiissst kahit nobela yung pm birthday greetings ko for you.. basahin mo yun ah?? hahahaha!! enjoy your day..!!! GOD and I, LOVE YOU!! keep that in mind... \

TBT lang ang mga pic..! hehehehe!!Naalala mo pa ba kung kalian tayo unang nagkita at nagsimula ang ating pagkakaibigan? Naalala mo pa ba kung kalian tayo unang nag-away? Naalala mo pa ba kung kalian ka nahook sa anime at nagkaroon ng passion sa drawing? Naalala mo pa ba nung tinuruan moko kung pano gumamit ng pc at internet?(ahhaahaha!! Wala kasi sa bundok) Naalala mo pa ba kung kalian ako nakapunta sa inyo at ikaw nama’y dumalaw sa bahay namin? (magjowa lang) Naalala mo pa ba tuwing nagkukuwentuhan tayo about sa crushes natin? (kilig-kilig!) Naalala mo pa ba yung unang movie natin at food trip together? Naalala mo pa ba kung pano tayo nagplan ng course na itetake natin sa college? Naalala mo pa ba kung pano ka naguluhan sa iyong lovelife? (at ako pa talaga ang sumbungan mo..) Naalala mo pa ba kung paano kita nahikayat na sumali sa SFC? (sister in Christ.. yippeeee!!) Naalala mo pa ba kung saan magkasama tayo sa mga gatherings and conferences? (sana maulit ulit yun..) Naalala mo pa ba yung mga binigay mo saking mga gifts?? At Naalala mo pa ba nung naghiwalay na tayo? Naalala mo pa ba..?? kasi ako di ko na maalala… toinnnksss!! Hahahaha!! Ang daming memories sar noh? Reminiscing talaga..!! as I look back our high school and college life.. ang dami ng changes sa atin.. and I’m so proud of you..!! pero tingnan mo.. its more than a decade that we've known each other, but our friendship.. it never never fails.. despite our distance..and differences.. and everything.. thanks to God for our God-given friendship!! hehehehe..!! parang kailan lang.. homay!! your SILVER year!! version2.0!! hahahaha!! stronger, fiercer, wiser and prettier!! nakksss..!! always go for whatever your heart's deepest desires.. and always choose your happiness..!! i'm blessed to have you sar! and for sure marami ding nakakapagsabi niyan.. and i'm proud of you remember that..!! continue serving the Lord.. you have the purest and kindest heart..!! may God continue to shower you with endless and abundant blessings..!!! i love you..!!  
-Ayra beezst

<3 Thank you bestieeeeee (beezst as what we call each other) Cheers to more than 10 yrs of friendship! God bless.. Love you and I miss you! See you very sooooon! Mwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhugs! <3 :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Me after 3 years

A walk to remember:

After the workshop talk, we were given a paper to write our dream after 3 years and our prayer to God..

Dear God,
Thank you for the life, for the family, for the CFC community, for work and for everything. Father you know the status of my heart. I am afraid to love. I choose to love those who only treats me good. Lord may I choose to love you more and to love like Jesus did and to suffer like Him Lord. I surrender myself to you Lord. Have your way. Let it be done. Lord ikaw na po bahala!

In Jesus' name, AMEN!

(prayer and desire during the MEC 2013)
October 26, 2013
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates


FAMILY >>> Complete family!!!!!!!!! To be reunited after 10 years! Celebrate events together like the old days. Bonding! To be home in Pinas. Meet up with friends, barkadas, school mates and YFC families..

CAREER >>> Better job, pay, benefits, insurance, flexible leave and air fare! Find a new career in the office. To be better and to always improve!!

SERVICE >>> Higher calling of service, discernment (MV/FTPW), constant prayer time and be Mission Ready!

4G >>> LOVE TO LOVE<3 God's greatest and gorgeous gift! :) I believe in TRUE LOVE WAITS. I am so excited to meet Him in God's time. I'd be happy to be in a relationship with Him.. then if it's time, then marriage and hopefully have our own Christian Family wherein we can serve God together as CFC! Wow ever! <3

HOUSEHOLD >>> to be able to evangelize souls for God and lead them closer to Him. Thank you for blessing me with 4 angels! <3

ME >>> a Better ME (improved, good, loving, understanding, sweet, happy, waiting...) A love to love! <3 Become a SERVANT OF GOD! To be in complete surrender to His will. 3Ts (Time, talent and treasure) for God's greater glory!

Lord God please bless the desires of my heart. May they be in accordance to your will and plan for my life! Lord I entrust my future in You for you know what's best for me. :))))))) 
Ikaw na po bahala!

In your name, I trust! AMEN! <3

Monday, January 6, 2014

What I would tell to my weak old self…

We often face challenges that bring us to our knees but rest assured that we are in the best position to pray. We may be troubled, worried, anxious, questioned, put to the test, lost and tempted so this leads us to become weak, helpless and sometimes hopeless. It's hard to overcome a struggle when you feel like there's no hope. You may feel mixed emotions, have doubts, incapable, impossible and you think there's no other way out. It is only in God's hand where we can feel at peace, full of hope and unlimited love. We can always run to God for help, for guidance, for strength, for mercy, for forgiveness and for trust. We stumble and fall but God is there to carry us through it all.

Here's something I want to tell my old weak self especially in times when it doesn't make sense or when times get rough.

Hold on, Trust God.. Cry hard, Smile harder.. Let go, Move on.. Surrender, Pray hardest! Be strong, God is in control!

>>>>> Hold on, Trust God.
I know you're in a very tough situation but remember that God always has a plan for you. It is a plan so great that you won't realize it now but soon you will. Keep holding on to His promises for they are sure like the sunrise. Hold on to Him by placing all your cares or worries upon Him. Do not worry nor be afraid for He knows what He is doing. Submit to Him and surrender for it will be the fulfillment of His plan for you! Place your hope and trust in Him. All is well. Everything will be alright. Just hold on and trust God!

>>>>> Cry hard but Smile harder.
Crying is a therapeutic act that cleanses our soul and sets us free from whatever that is bothering us. There's a saying: "Our visions become clear when our eyes have been washed away with tears." Crying may not be the solution to a certain problem but it can release you from carrying the burden. Crying is not a sign of weakness but a strength wherein you cry out to the One Most High and allowing His will be done in your life. Never be afraid to cry and to admit that you are weak for in that way, you are allowing God to be your strength for you to face your struggle and to heal you of your brokenness. And when you have cried it all out then learn to smile for you to leap an extra mile. Show your sweetest smile and make them wonder why. Remember, it's ok to cry hard but after that just smile harder!

>>>>> Let go, Move on.
Learn to let go, allow God to take over then move on. It's called a struggle that you overcome not a struggle that you dwell on. Learn to let go of all your worries, fears, past experiences, problems and concerns. You don't need to carry all of those emotional baggages. Surrender it to God and let His grace take over whatever it is that you're going through. Allow His will to be done. You can feel the hurts, the pain, the aches and the struggle but you can never stay there. You have to move on for God has a lot of things in store for you. Focus and know your goal. When it doesn't make sense, just let it go and move on!

>>>>> Surrender and Pray hardest!
Surrendering to God is not a weakness but the greatest strength for you are submitting to Him, the God of all Grace! They say that the one who kneels in prayer can withstand anything. We are nothing without God and praying to Him is asking for His knowledge, wisdom, discernment, gifts and teaching. Praying is everything. It is a complete package wherein we can express freely our self without the effort of pleasing Him because He accepts us for what we are. Praying helps us overcome our struggle and it strengthens our faith in God.  Imagine your day without prayer and you'll realize that it is not complete. Continue to talk because God listens and He tells us to just ASK (Ask, Seek and Knock). Let us be firm in the faith, ready to surrender our own self and give time to pray hardest. God deserves our best!  

>>>>> Be strong for God is in control!
I know the situation is tough but rest assured that God is always in control of everything. Be strong and fight the good fight of faith! For sure God will deliver you from the experience that you have. He won't leave you because He knows you need Him now. Allow God to embrace you in your lowest time, allow His grace to complete you, allow His mercy to be felt, allow His forgiveness to move you, allow His love to inspire you and allow His will to be done through you. It's not an easy task but it's worth it. Learn to sacrifice your desires for His greater glory and He will reveal His plans at the right time. Be faithful and hopeful! Everything will be alright! Be still and know that He is God and we are not. Continue to be strong for God is in control!

Prayer: Lord please continue to do amazing things in my life. I know they are blessings in disguise. I don't know where you may lead me but I trust your plan for me. Help me and provide for me Lord. Strengthen me more that I may face all challenges and struggles that are coming my way. Lord I surrender myself to you. I know you will fight for me. I claim victory over these struggles. May your will be done. Deo Gloria! Deo Gracias! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

So how about you?
What will you tell to your old weak self?

Miracle Garden escapade

Extended birthday celebration at the famous "Dubai Miracle Garden".. I guess they named it Miracle garden because it is a miracle to plant and nourish flowers/trees/grass in the desert where there's scarcity with water and limited or sometimes no rain... :) It's amazing how God works in the lives of the people with creative minds, ideas and hands to be able to make a great art/scenery such as these! So cool and it will make you say "WOW"! I wonder how it took them to build, recreate, design and maintain it. :) So lovely and it only opens during winter wherein it's cold. Some of the flowers are starting to wither and better go there to witness and see God's wonderful creation! :) Don't wait til it's too late!

Thank you Lord! Thank you so much! <3 :)
Happy and Blessed! Thank you Tita Belle, Tito Danny, Paolo and Kiko! :)

Testify and See

TESTIFY AND SEE (January 3, 2014) from Daily Manna

Gospel for the day: John 1:29-34

29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.” 32 Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. 33 And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.”[a] ~John 1:29-34

We have heard this statement that says "To see is to believe." People nowadays are concerned more in seeing and if they do, then they'll believe. Here's a funny situation that proves it wrong. How do you know if you have a brain? Can you see it? No? So since you don't see it then you're brainless? How about your heart? You know what it looks like? Have you seen it? No? So you're heartless? The people during the time of Christ need not see because they know that if they believe, they will see how far God's wonder may lead them to. Blessed are those who were physically blind that time for they truly seek Jesus and indeed they testified, witnessed a miracle and even saw Him in all His greatness, power and majesty.  

I suddenly realized a better statement: To see is to believe but to feel and experience is better than seeing." Believing is a different thing and seeing is not everything. We can't see emotions but we can feel them. We can't see knowledge and wisdom but we can express them freely. We can't see sickness but the symptoms are there to indicate that there's something wrong. We can't see technology or communication but the gadgets are there to show how it works. We can't see the childhood beliefs we had like the existence of tooth fairy, Easter bunny, etc., but story books were there to prove they do when in reality they don't. Being able to see is not an assurance that things are real because sometimes the eyes can be deceived. 

However there are supernatural things that the eye can't see but the heart can feel. We can't see love but our hearts can express, feel love and also pain. We believe in God but do we see Him? No, but because we have faith then it makes all things possible. Yes, God is real and we can definitely feel His presence. We may not see Him physically but we can see Him in other people and through the situations that are happening to us. We can testify that we have seen Him in all areas of our life and that He never left us especially in times that we needed Him.

Our God is an amazing God and He will find a lot ways to make us feel blessed, loved, treasured, provided, cared for, assured, answered, embraced, healed, comforted, honored, supported, worth fighting for, saved, forgiven, spared, inspired, motivated and a lot more! He is our Everything. He hears and sees every event in our lives and sometimes we fail to notice that because we believe in seeing than that of experiencing Him. May we realize that testifying is seeing God at work in our life and that may we continue to obey and witness especially when it doesn't make sense.

Prayer: Lord, may You teach us to have more faith in You. Allow our eyes to see things beyond our capacity so that we could testify, experience, and feel more of your grace and love. Lord in Your name, we trust! Amen!

Sis Sarah Kailyn Lim 
Chapter 2B3 - CLP Batch 43
Household Leader - SFC Dubai

Friday, January 3, 2014

Birthday video from Lakes

Finally it's 12:00 AM! Happy 25! 
Blessed and proud!  

 Thank you Lord for a wonderful year added to my life! I'm a certified SILVER LADY! Thank you for a blessed family, great friends, wonderful CFC/SFC community, supportive household, extended families, endless blessings and a lot more! I claim and I know you have prepared a lot surprises for me! Thank you and Praise you Lord for all of these! :)))))))) Surely I am God's beloved! The Lord loves me so much no matter what I am going through.. Lord I'm holding on to your plans in my life. May your will be done, AMEN!

To celebrate my birthday here's my requested video by the LAKES staff of JAVN.. Taken earlier at the Lakes Club by Bro Jimmy.  Thank you! Love you! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Welcomed 2014 with a smile and less worries!
Left all the hurts, pains and problems in 2013..
Now, Happier. Wiser. Super Blessed.
With Stronger faith. Full of hope. Ready to love!

Cheers to the New Year! Thank you Lord for giving me a chance to witness and see your greatness, goodness and bountiful love that never ends! I'm looking forward for more struggles, experiences, service, job opportunities, blessings, pain, love, commitment and more that I can't think of! All I know is that God has greater things in store for me this year! I am so excited, full of hope and faith for what He will be revealing me this year.

2013 has been a great year but I know 2014 will be an awesomely wonderful, greatly experienced, nerve breaking, adrenaline rushing, happy n hoping, patiently waiting, faith enhancing, love overflowing and blessings worth sharing!

Lord thank you! :)))))))))
I am ready for anything for I know you have prepared me for this!
I entrust my future to You! <3 
Happy New Year! Happy 2014! Yeeeeeeee!