Friday, January 3, 2014

Birthday video from Lakes

Finally it's 12:00 AM! Happy 25! 
Blessed and proud!  

 Thank you Lord for a wonderful year added to my life! I'm a certified SILVER LADY! Thank you for a blessed family, great friends, wonderful CFC/SFC community, supportive household, extended families, endless blessings and a lot more! I claim and I know you have prepared a lot surprises for me! Thank you and Praise you Lord for all of these! :)))))))) Surely I am God's beloved! The Lord loves me so much no matter what I am going through.. Lord I'm holding on to your plans in my life. May your will be done, AMEN!

To celebrate my birthday here's my requested video by the LAKES staff of JAVN.. Taken earlier at the Lakes Club by Bro Jimmy.  Thank you! Love you! 

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!