Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Welcomed 2014 with a smile and less worries!
Left all the hurts, pains and problems in 2013..
Now, Happier. Wiser. Super Blessed.
With Stronger faith. Full of hope. Ready to love!

Cheers to the New Year! Thank you Lord for giving me a chance to witness and see your greatness, goodness and bountiful love that never ends! I'm looking forward for more struggles, experiences, service, job opportunities, blessings, pain, love, commitment and more that I can't think of! All I know is that God has greater things in store for me this year! I am so excited, full of hope and faith for what He will be revealing me this year.

2013 has been a great year but I know 2014 will be an awesomely wonderful, greatly experienced, nerve breaking, adrenaline rushing, happy n hoping, patiently waiting, faith enhancing, love overflowing and blessings worth sharing!

Lord thank you! :)))))))))
I am ready for anything for I know you have prepared me for this!
I entrust my future to You! <3 
Happy New Year! Happy 2014! Yeeeeeeee!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!