Monday, January 6, 2014

Miracle Garden escapade

Extended birthday celebration at the famous "Dubai Miracle Garden".. I guess they named it Miracle garden because it is a miracle to plant and nourish flowers/trees/grass in the desert where there's scarcity with water and limited or sometimes no rain... :) It's amazing how God works in the lives of the people with creative minds, ideas and hands to be able to make a great art/scenery such as these! So cool and it will make you say "WOW"! I wonder how it took them to build, recreate, design and maintain it. :) So lovely and it only opens during winter wherein it's cold. Some of the flowers are starting to wither and better go there to witness and see God's wonderful creation! :) Don't wait til it's too late!

Thank you Lord! Thank you so much! <3 :)
Happy and Blessed! Thank you Tita Belle, Tito Danny, Paolo and Kiko! :)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!