Sunday, March 24, 2013

DREAM (032313)

I had a wonderful dream last night about love. It was so unexpected and somehow I like the feeling about the dream because it felt like it was so real. And somehow it gave me hope about finding and experiencing true love to the highest and best level. I can't clearly remember it but I can visualize it through my mind and feel it through my heart. I wasn't thinking about it or maybe God is giving me a vision about the love story that he has planned and has written especially for me. Upon waking up I felt a light feeling and unexplained joy. I admit I am longing for somebody but I am not desperate now. Still I will wait because I don't want to rush it yet. I have other priorities now that are very important like family, career, service and if ever it comes when I least expect it then I hope God will give me a steady and ready heart to accept it completely. I seem to enjoy what I have now and I will get ready. I know that there will be moments when I feel empty or lost but God will surely bless me until I become full and find me. I may feel incomplete sometimes but I know the Lord will gladly fill my jar to the brim. I know Lord that you are preparing me for a great love story that's never told yet and especially hand written and picked somebody for me. I am excited. I am happy and I am hopeful. The Lord hears me and I can't contain the excitement that I feel. He has spoken to me that this year he will bless me with his greatest, gorgeous God's gift, my 4G! I will be still because you are God and I trust the will of the Father. Lord I am affirmed and inspired to wait for true love because you have planned it! Praise, honor and glory to God above!

::: Sarah Kailyn :::
                                                                 March 23, 2013

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!