Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I can clearly remember the time when one of our leaders approached us during the Singolympics last February 8 (Friday) and he was looking for a player to participate for the long jump competition. His concern was he didn't want our team to be zero and that he needs anyone who's available to jump. I immediately signaled "no" since I can't do a long jump and that I am recovering from my sickness. My sister, Ate Kate asked if it was ok since she was wearing pants and I can see that she wants to jump as well. I cheered her to go since I believed in her abilities. So she went to the long jump area while I was near the field waiting for us to compete in the tug of war.

According to my sister she didn’t have any experience in the long jump competition. She just plays it when she was little and she never joined the long jump competition. I can see her as a person who likes sports and especially the track and field. She would also watch athletes playing. And I guess it was where she learned other sports.

There were 5 players and 3 of them were experienced athletes. They all came prepared not like my sister who was the only one wearing jeans. I really admire her answering of Yes to an immediate call without second thoughts. As she was preparing for the jump she felt nervous and prayer to God saying that "Lord please don't allow me to get hurt. Let your will be done. Amen." As my sister was thinking and preparing herself before the jump, she was full of hope and confidence that she will do the jump right. She said it's ok to lose but not to be zero. In her mind she accepted that "I am ready to accept defeat." I will try my best since this is just a game.

She did the jump and as I saw her soar up during the jump it made me realize of the Yes that she answered. She did 3 jumps and they were a bit far from the rest. During the first jump she was 2nd, on the third she was 1st and on the 3rd jump she was 2nd. According to her, she wanted to do it and she never doubted that she won't. It's amazing that God allowed her to win 2nd runner up in a game that she's unexpected to win. I mean I didn't doubt her capabilities but it is surprising that it was a sudden call without any preparation or training. See how God works in mysterious ways? I guess it was all about her trust in God and in her abilities and also her faith that made her win. I was so happy for her that I jumped for joy upon hearing that she won.

Congratulations to my sister Kate for winning 2nd runner up!!!!! You're BIG YES ALL FOR GOD is a big example of OBEYING GOD AND WITNESSING HIS MIRACLES! GOD BLESS! :)

God doesn't call the qualified because He qualifies the called.

 May God be praised!!!!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!