Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter 2013!!!

Happy Easter!!!

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let all rejoice and be glad!"

Today marks the day wherein our Lord Jesus conquered death by being resurrected and God raised him up. Easter is a new beginning wherein old things become new and we are renewed. It is also during this day wherein we renewed our baptism, renounced satan and avoid evil things. Easter signifies a new life filled with hope and establishing a relationship with Jesus. 

"Because He humbled himself therefore God raised Him up!"
"And on the third day He rose again…"

Most of us experience death in many other ways. It could be a broken family, a  stained relationship, a bitter past, a misfortune, a financial struggle, work pressure, heart break, a loss of a loved one, identity crisis, sickness, longing, separation, emptiness, doubts, fears, sadness and perhaps spiritual dryness. Death is something inevitable and it is only Jesus Christ who conquered it because He rose on the third day. Jesus Christ's resurrection is the light of hope to those who had experienced death, hopelessness and doubt that in Him they will rise up from the grave.

I am happy that though I am saddened by the loss and by the struggles still I am hopeful that God is not finish with me yet. God gives me assurance that He will bring back to life whatever it is that is dead/sleeping in me, that He has prepared a lot of things for me and that I need to be excited for it.

My only prayer for this Easter celebration is that may God raise up all those who are experiencing death in their lives and that may God bring them hope and peace through the resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Truly nothing and no one can stop Jesus from rising up and saving us from our sins. I am confident that in due time, everything will be in it's proper order because if it's not then God is not finish yet and He is preparing us to be risen again filled with hope, peace, faith and love.

Happy Easter! Hallelujah!!!!


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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!