Sunday, March 31, 2013

My wish for a friend...

Today, March 30, 2013, I reminisced the past and somehow I felt no more pain but I felt sad knowing that the past will never be changed but the future will, that the past creates a scar that will heal but still remains a memory and that the past is not important but the lessons learned and changes it has inflicted.

This realization started when I approved a friend in skype and I didn't except it to be his mother because I thought it was his sister. I didn't notice it but after I did, I immediately sent her a message via FB. I apologized and somehow explained a little. I am still looking forward to talk to him and perhaps see his family since they are close to me when I get home. I just want a proper closure and be blessed with peace to ease the guilt and consequence of my actions and decisions. Love fades but friendship remains. Somehow I miss his presence and the absence creates an impact on me. I guess I never realized his worth before but now I do. Lessons can be tough and we need to learn and understand.

There's still hope in me that I can mend the pains of the past and hopefully close whatever was left open. I traveled back and realized that a lot of things have changed and that they don't just happen without a reason or purpose behind. I felt sorry because I caused all the pain and suffering to another person and his family. It was all because of my selfishness and desire. There's nobody to blame except me. I am pain free but knowing that He's still in pain causes me to feel pain also and even twice than him because I started it.

All I can do now is hope and pray for Him, that God will bless him with a forgiving, accepting, understanding and healing heart, that with God's grace He can be a better person and that he may set aside the bitter past and learn to cope up with the present that God has prepared for him and for everyone, a bright future full of hope.

Hoping, trusting and putting my faith in God through Christ, Amen!  

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!