Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My plan vs God's plan

No matter how we plan our life, God still has better plans for us. He has prepared a future full of hope for us. He assures us that we are never alone in this journey of life. Things or opportunities may not happen as we expect but know that God has always something in store for us. He has blessed us with love inspired by Him and with amazing grace to overcome whatever is coming in our life.

He has prepared our paths to be challenging, struggling, adventurous, depressing sometimes bitter but most of all it's happy, sweet, enjoying, abundant in love, purpose driven and full of meaning with an outpouring of surprises disguised as blessings! 
Enjoy your journey because you only live once. Make it worth living and leave a legacy to be passed on to those who you'll be meeting. May we find joy in all that we do and give Him back the glory that He deserves.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!