Sunday, May 18, 2014

Destined for greatness

Hardships are there to make or break us & when we thought it's the end, we were made to bend. We will be shaken but we should continue to stand firm. We should be confident for God knows what He is doing. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We will encounter a lot but we are never alone. God is with us in our journey of faith. He prepares us for He has a great plan ahead. Keep moving and trust Him. Never give up. Never lose hope. God is God and we are not. May His will be done.
You were created for an extraordinary destiny. Allow God to use you for His greater glory.
The greater the struggle means the bigger and sweeter the taste of glory through the victory! Be bold and strong for God is with us.
#journey #iamBBM

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!