Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hold on to the CROSS

When there's no hand for me to hold, I will hold on to the cross and to the one who gave up His life for me.. Thank you for loving me Lord, for not giving up on me, for always giving me chances, for being there for me, for listening to me and for blessing me abundantly. 

Hold my hand Lord, never let me go and we will journey beyond the unknown. I am confident knowing you never fail and you are with me always as you have promised. Bless my heart, my desires, my dreams, my goals and my mission. I surrender everything to you. Whatever it will be, still I'll praise and love you. Lead me, heal me, use me and teach me. 
In your name, I hope, I trust, I claim, Amen. #iamBBM #cross #deogloria #goals #keribels #love

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!