Monday, December 30, 2013

Let it go & Let God

I have been so addicted with the song because it reflects what I am going through right now.. I haven't been verbal about the situations that are coming my way. All I know is I can verbalize inspirational and motivational posts no matter what I am going through. I don't mention something negatively. (I usually turn a bad event to a good post with learning actually..) Yes, I don't post negative occurrences but I can definitely transform it to make it challenging, inspirational and always linked to God. (That's what I am proud of.. and I guess it's therapeutic for me and for those who will see it..) That's something I have grown up doing and I hope it works..

>>>>>>>> From the song, I linked it with>>>>>>Let go and let God take over.. :)))))))))))

I experienced being afraid, being isolated, being unable to express myself freely and everybody's opinion mattered to me (which I knew was wrong..) But then I realized I need to let it all go.. All the pains, hurt, cries and all other negative emotions that I have been hiding. I wanted to have a brand new start and before the year ends I wanna leave them all in the past and learn to move on. Yes I have grudges, anger, guilty feelings and depressive moments but I surrendered it all to God. It wasn't easy and I asked for the grace of love, patience, forgiveness, acceptance, hope and more faith so that I could go on further. I needed the time to relax, to think, to plan, to communicate, to de-stress and to seek God more so that I can act fully and freely.

Indeed, God is good. I feel so soooo better now. All the tears and the aches of the past are now a memory, a mirror and a good lesson learned. I became wiser, stronger, fiercer and I feel I can fight again. Of course it won't be possible if not for God and for the support of my family and friends. The decision was not that easy because I had to give up, to admit that I was weak and that I needed help. Things may change, appearances may improve, attitudes may be developed, relationships improved and my prayer time became stronger. I will obey and witness Lord even if it doesn't make sense! Thank you Lord for preparing me, for healing me, for molding me, for making me stronger and fearless. Thank you for you always act during the right time, never early nor too late. Thank you for the never ending love, assurance, mercy, forgiveness, understanding, blessings and for all things great and good in my life. You are a great God! You make things possible. I love you Lord.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!