Friday, December 27, 2013

My presence is your present!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!! :) 

Happy Birthday Jesus!

I woke up late since I slept late. We celebrated the birthday of Jajah and also the savior, Jesus! Thank you Lord for being born in this world and for saving us!

I ate lunch with my flatmates and we had such fun. I wasn't able to decide which church to go to but then decided to go to St. Mary's instead. I have plans in my head that I wanted to do that day. I thought of bringing my camera to capture moments of joy as we all celebrate His birthday!

I was up and ready to go to Church past 2 in the afternoon to attend the Holy Eucharist but then decided to leave at 3:30 pm since I didn't want to be late for Jesus' birthday celebration...

So I left and traveled for an hour and arrived just in time. I was a bit distracted during the mass since I saw a lot of adorable kids playing with their fellow friends. I felt so touched with how playful they are hehe.. The parents will then act as referees when they are almost fighting haha.. That moment was also a reminder of how I missed the kids whom I used to take care of.

After receiving the Holy Eucharist, I tried to go inside the church since a lot of people were there so the whole compound was full. I managed to go in and see the Church.. I was so amazed on what I saw. a lot of devotees and families were complete. I felt teary eyed yet I managed to hold it in. Of course the envy and jealousy is there knowing I'm on my own and my family is far away but I know God has reasons why. I captured shots inside the church and was able to capture a family by volunteering to take a picture for them. The idea then came in and that's what I did after 35 minutes.
I went outside the church and I was surprised to see this kind of view. Santa's giving out present to the kids. How generous this people are to the kids! God is indeed great and amazing. Seeing happy faces from the kids is a great blessing! For sure they brought more smiles not just to the kids but also to the family as well. May God bless you more!

The spirit of Christmas was everywhere. The cold weather, the expression of love and joy, the giving of gifts and the kindness of everybody was infectious! Christ's presence was indeed a big present to us!

I went to the Christmas tree and I noticed a lot of people taking pictures -selfies, duos and family pictures. I volunteered to take pictures for them for I know how important it is. And I personally was alone that time and I need not take pictures of me for it'll make me miss home more. From 5:30 pm til past 6:10, I volunteered to offer myself to take pictures for them. It was a simple act of kindness I can give to them. I can see them smile and I would greet them Merry Christmas! Of course it gave me a touchy and mushy feeling and somehow I felt sad inside knowing I couldn't do these things but I know God always has something better in store for me and for my family.

A simple act of kindness is something I am proud of doing today and will be doing for the days to come! I read from the post last Friday that said: "Friend, my presence is your present!" Good point and it was from a priest who conducted Simbang Gabi masses in Jebel Ali and He was a guest priest at St. Mary's that time. I wasn't there but I was able to see a status regarding that. I left the church about 6:25 then went to Burjuman metro because I was planning to buy gifts but decided not to since I don't have a job now. I am thankful for today because God has blessed me with a free dinner sponsored by Kuya Jimmy and also I met Christian an SFC from Chapter 2B4. It was the first time that we actually met in person but we communicate via FB. He even gave me Rellenong bangus! Yummm! God is a great God!

Thank you for a wonderful experience during Christmas day! Yeheyy! Merry Christmas! :)
Kaya let's remember that our presence is our present to others!
Be a blessing! Touch a heart! God bless! <3 :)

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!