Saturday, December 7, 2013

Journey during the CLP

God has great ways in making you feel extremely loved, blessed, guided, empowered, inspired, gifted, evangelized and molded.

My heart and soul was touched deeply through the service during the CLP! I realized that there's more that's in store for me than what I knew for myself. :) Throughout CLP God moved in ways I never saw and mysteriously yet wonderfully He changed and improved me. I gained confidence that I know with God's grace and with my capability, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I became more loving, sweet, expressive, caring, concerned about others and family oriented. I overcomed my fears and gained new strengths. Though I lost somethings yet I gained better things!

I am proud to be called and chosen by God. Yes I doubted and questioned at first but God embraced me and assured me of the plans He has for me. Now I am blessed for saying Yes to the service of being a Facilitator and now a Household Leader in SFC! <3

For it was because of them that I was inspired more to serve and follow God. I became true to myself and never did I pretend to them. I became open and my feelings where real. I never lied and I learned to admit my faults. They are indeed blessings from God for it was because of them that changed me and help me strive to be better and good. It was because of them that I realized the importance of the family, relationship and work. And it was because of them that my service became meaningful in SFC because it was through them that I was sharing my life with and theirs too with me. They created an impact in my heart and therefore I can say that my life will never be the same again!

Thank you to everyone, to the team, to the heads, to the new friends and especially to my Angels! You have made my 3 months CLP journey worth sacrificing for and worth remembering! :) All the sacrifices of leaving the house early and going home late, travelling almost an hour and going back, the tears, the joys and all the mixed emotions are all because I did it for my love for God, for my family, for the community and for myself.. I offer it all to you Lord that may you always be glorified! For all my achievements and for the new found talent in dancing and voice over, Thank youuuuuuuuuu! You made me conquer my fears and I gained confidence to do it.

Truly you are a great God and for everything Lord, I praise you and I thank you! I love you Lord! You are amazing and beyond compare! :))) I am ready to do your will! Have your way Jesus! For this heart belongs to You! <3 <3 <3

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!