Monday, December 2, 2013

Journey with CFC Kids for Christ

KFC Activity last October 2013
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." -Matthew 19:14

I had my ROCK (Reaching out Christ to Kids) last May 2009 at Roxas City, Capiz to become a KFC Ate when I was a YFC. A fulltime worker serving KFC who was Kuya Nice said the verse from Matthew 19:14 and from that day on til now, those words have been planted in my heart. I had served KFC NKVs, PKVs and even Kids sessions back home. Years passed and I have never fully understood what it meant but after coming in the UAE, being an SFC and serving God meaningfully it was then that I realized that God has a purpose in everything.

 Now, I'm looking back full of gratitude on how God has simply transformed me not just in being a good "ATE" but a good servant in teaching, molding, leading and being like a kid through the CFC Kids for Christ ministry..

Junior 2 KFCs
So blessed to belong in this family wherein I was able to learn and improve my skills. Thank you for teaching me how to love, pray and serve like a kid.  You have made my life brighter and full of purpose. Thank you for allowing me to meet you and bond with you in service with Him. Thank you for inspiring me to dream of a family united in Christ and for that I would be asking God that in His grace will bless me of what I desire. For everything, Thank you so much!

I have gained new friends, a big family, abundant blessings, had opportunities to visit other areas which I did not expect, to go on mission and a better me. I have gained confidence to speak in front of the kids. I have become passionate, loving and expressive of my feelings to them. I have discovered a new talent in face painting thanks to the KFC activity we had about Noah's ark. I gained a deeper friendship with CFCs, SFCs, YFCs and KFCs. Also, I have conquered my fear of singing/dancing and perhaps have enhanced it to the best of my ability. And I know a lot is more to come and for that God knows when and what.. 

Thank you Lord for a fruitful year and more years of service and I that never knew that time flew so fast and now I am asking for more.. 

Thank you CFC KFC ministry!  God bless us all! And for all that may God be praised!!


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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!