Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Quiz: I am Job!

What Bible Character Are You?

You got: Job
Bad things happen to good people. You know that better than anyone. Sometimes life seems like a series of struggles so focused on you that you start to wonder if someone upstairs has it in for you. It is true that God gives us as much as we can take, and it sometimes feels like you are a beast of burden. As with Job, with you, it will all make sense at the end. Keep the faith! (From: http://quizsocial.com/what-bible-character-are-you/ )
        For what I have learned when I was young, Job was a righteous man. He was blessed greatly by God because of his faithfulness. Then satan tempted God to check the faithfulness of Job. At first he gave him suffering and then he took away his riches, then his family and gave him sickness. In the end, Job remained faithful and never blamed God. In return for his faithfulness amidst trials, God rewarded him beyond what he lost.
Job: Faith under trial!
        I can’t imagine being in the shoes of Job. He had everything and then slowly it was taken away from him. It is hard to be faithful during trial and suffering. In my case I would have felt hopeless and will choose to die than endure the pain and keep living. The one thing I admire for Job was the unbreakable faith he had for God. Despite the pain and sorrows he held on to God saying he was unworthy. He never blamed God and he allowed satan to test his faith and he conquered.
        Whenever I struggle, I can’t help but complain, be worried or afraid, doubt and somehow my faith is shaken. Trials are tests that I have to pass and overcome. At times, I always fail, I feel unworthy and hopeless yet God assures me to continue being faithful just as how faithful He is. His comforting embrace is always there to ease my pain and comfort me as I struggle. In this journey the storms come and go to make us learn by shaking us that makes our faith become stronger. Without these we can never know who we are, what our purpose is, how we will do and why it happened. Once the trial is over and when God sees our faithfulness, He will bless us like how He did with Job. Faithful and generous is He and truly He’ll shower us the blessings beyond measure.

What is the posture of our heart during struggles?
Keep the faith. God is in control. He is with us always. 

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!