Sunday, August 31, 2014

10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be
Alex Dram
Alex Dram

1. You ascribe intent.

Another driver cut you off. Your friend never texted you back. Your co-worker went to lunch without you. Everyone can find a reason to be offended on a steady basis. So what caused you to be offended? You assigned bad intent to these otherwise innocuous actions. You took it as a personal affront, a slap in the face.
Happy people do not do this. They don’t take things personally. They don’t ascribe intent to the unintentional actions of others.

2. You’re the star of your own movie.

It is little wonder that you believe the world revolves around you. After all, you have been at the very center of every experience you have ever had.
You are the star of your own movie. You wrote the script. You know how you want it to unfold. You even know how you want it to end.
Unfortunately you forgot to give your script to anyone else. As a result, people are unaware of the role they are supposed to play. Then, when they screw up their lines, or fail to fall in love with you or don’t give you a promotion, your movie is ruined.
Lose your script. Let someone else star once in awhile. Welcome new characters. Embrace plot twists.

3. You fast forward to apocalypse.

I have a bad habit of fast forwarding everything to its worst possible outcome and being pleasantly surprised when the result is marginally better than utter disaster or jail time. My mind unnecessarily wrestles with events that aren’t even remotely likely. My sore throat is cancer. My lost driver’s license fell into the hands of an al-Qaeda operative who will wipe out my savings account.
Negativity only breeds more negativity. It is a happiness riptide. It will carry you away from shore and if you don’t swim away from it, will pull you under.

4. You have unrealistic and/or uncommunicated expectations.

Among their many shortcomings
of your family and friends is the harsh reality that they cannot read your mind or anticipate your whims.
Did your boyfriend forget the six and a half month anniversary of your first movie date? Did your girlfriend refuse to call at an appointed hour? Did your friend fail to fawn over your tribal tattoo?
Unmet expectations will be at the root of most of your unhappiness in life. Minimize your expectations, maximize your joy.

5. You are waiting for a sign.

I have a friend who won’t make a decision without receiving a “sign.” I suppose she is waiting on a trumpeted announcement from God. She is constantly paralyzed by a divinity that is either heavily obscured or frustratingly tardy. I’m not disavowing that fate or a higher power plays a role in our lives. I’m just saying that it is better to help shape fate than be governed by it.

6. You don’t take risks.

Two words: Live boldly. Every single time you are offered a choice that involves greater risk, take it. You will lose on many of them but when you add them up at the end of your life you’ll be glad you did.

A few years ago I was invited to a nice party at a big warehouse downtown. I was enjoying the smooth jazz, box wine and crustless sandwiches. What more could a guy want? Later in the evening I noticed a steady parade of well-heeled people slide past and disappear into another room. I peeked and saw a large party with beautiful revelers dancing and carrying on like Bacchus. Suddenly my gig wasn’t as fun as it had been all because it didn’t appear to measure up to the party next door- a party I didn’t even know existed until just moments before.
I do this frequently. Those people are having more fun. Mary has a bigger boat. Craig gets all the lucky breaks. Ted has more money. John is better looking.
Stop it.
Always remember what Teddy Roosevelt said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

8. You let other people steal from you.

If you had a million dollars in cash under your mattress, you would check it regularly and take precautions to insure it is safe. The one possession you have that is more important than money is time. But you don’t do anything to protect it. In fact you willingly give it to thieves. Selfish people, egotistical people, negative people, people who won’t shut up. Treat your time like Fort Knox. Guard it closely and give it only to those who deserve and respect it.

9. You can’t/won’t let go.

These are getting a little harder aren’t they? That’s because sometimes you have to work at happiness. Some hurdles are too difficult to clear by simply adjusting your point of view or adopting a positive mindset.
Do you need to forgive someone? Do you need to turn your back on a failed relationship? Do you need to come to terms with the death of a loved one?
Life is full of loss. But, in a sense, real happiness would not be possible without it.  It helps us appreciate and savor the things that really matter. It helps us grow. It can help us help others grow.

Closure is a word for people who have never really suffered. There’s no such thing. Just try to “manage” your loss. Put it in perspective. You will always have some regret and doubt about your loss. You may always second guess yourself. If only you had said this, or tried that.
You’re not alone. Find someone who understands and talk to that person. Reach out for support. If all else fails, try #10 below.

One way to deal with loss is to immerse yourself in doing good. Volunteer. Get involved in life.
It doesn’t even have to be a big, structured thing. Say a kind word. Encourage someone. Pay a visit to someone who is alone. Get away from your self-absorption.
When it comes down to it, there are two types of people in this world. There are givers and there are takers. Givers are happy. Takers are miserable. What are you?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Proud Lefty!

August 13 is the International Left-Handers day! I didn't know that they celebrated this. I only found out about it last week. Being a lefty became a struggle at first but as I embraced it, I began to slowly discover the uniqueness and amazing talent it has revealed to me.

As I grew up I had a hard time dealing with situations because I was left handed. It's challenging to write using a right handed chair and my side or back hurts from trying to adjust with the chair. We rarely have left handed chairs and whenever we have one it's gives me relief. I always have pen marks on my left hand as a result of writing. Whenever I write something I always have a different penmanship and I don't have a permanent one. Weird? My handwriting is difficult to read when I'm in a hurry but if I want it to be read I have to write very slowly and beautifully. Whenever I write, it would be different than how the right handers do or it's in a reverse way because somehow it's connected with the brain and perception.

Whenever I see something and when I try to copy it, it's in reverse. I also notice when I'm learning to dance I have a hard time doing the moves correctly. Before I struggled with directions especially east and west. I am often confused with left and right sides or maybe my brain is telling me otherwise. When eating whichever utensil I pick up first would be ok with me since I can use them reversely. Before I didn't like the subject arts because I also have a hard time expressing myself. I didn't know that being a lefty was a challenging part of growing up. Honestly I find it weird and hard to explain but maybe that's how left handers think. I hope so!?

Few years later, I was able to appreciate the gift of being a lefty. I am amazed at the uniqueness and the ability I can do. I have started loving arts and I learned how to draw. It started in high school when I was influenced by my classmates who loved drawing. Also there's an anime show that was popular and I became an addict of the Japanese culture - origin of Anime and Manga. I have exposed myself to colors, painting, drawing, solving math and even dancing which I hated.

In college, I realize I was capable of doing more but then due to busy schedules I was unable to do what I loved to do when I was in high school. Despite that I was able to discover a new talent which was photography, videography and learning how to edit using photoshop. I loved reading/looking at colorful pictures in books/sites. I also started to learn the guitar and I have enjoyed it. I had a meaningful college life with full of colors, fun and tears. Nothing compares to the fullness of life that I have discovered being a YFC.

Years past and I found myself working in Dubai. My art skills were challenged and I enjoyed working in the nursery. I loved preparing crafts, acting as teacher, taking care of kids and my drawing skills were rekindled. I learned doodling plus adobe editing. I had several projects and I have fun. I am attracted to quizzes/games with colors expecially the rubiks cube. A lot has changed and looking back made me realize how being a lefty is a blessing. So far I am proud of who I became to be because God has blessed and given me with so much. Whatever I have now is all thanks to His grace, love and providence. And I want to thank God for creating me uniquely and I'm a proud lefty! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Quiz: I am Job!

What Bible Character Are You?

You got: Job
Bad things happen to good people. You know that better than anyone. Sometimes life seems like a series of struggles so focused on you that you start to wonder if someone upstairs has it in for you. It is true that God gives us as much as we can take, and it sometimes feels like you are a beast of burden. As with Job, with you, it will all make sense at the end. Keep the faith! (From: )
        For what I have learned when I was young, Job was a righteous man. He was blessed greatly by God because of his faithfulness. Then satan tempted God to check the faithfulness of Job. At first he gave him suffering and then he took away his riches, then his family and gave him sickness. In the end, Job remained faithful and never blamed God. In return for his faithfulness amidst trials, God rewarded him beyond what he lost.
Job: Faith under trial!
        I can’t imagine being in the shoes of Job. He had everything and then slowly it was taken away from him. It is hard to be faithful during trial and suffering. In my case I would have felt hopeless and will choose to die than endure the pain and keep living. The one thing I admire for Job was the unbreakable faith he had for God. Despite the pain and sorrows he held on to God saying he was unworthy. He never blamed God and he allowed satan to test his faith and he conquered.
        Whenever I struggle, I can’t help but complain, be worried or afraid, doubt and somehow my faith is shaken. Trials are tests that I have to pass and overcome. At times, I always fail, I feel unworthy and hopeless yet God assures me to continue being faithful just as how faithful He is. His comforting embrace is always there to ease my pain and comfort me as I struggle. In this journey the storms come and go to make us learn by shaking us that makes our faith become stronger. Without these we can never know who we are, what our purpose is, how we will do and why it happened. Once the trial is over and when God sees our faithfulness, He will bless us like how He did with Job. Faithful and generous is He and truly He’ll shower us the blessings beyond measure.

What is the posture of our heart during struggles?
Keep the faith. God is in control. He is with us always. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

God saved my 2 left fingers!!!

Usually, we don't give importance to something unless it is lost or forgotten. I realized that I almost lost 2 fingers in my left hand. Thank God it did not happen and I was surprised and even nervous. It was not because of firecrackers or anything but it was almost hit by the door in our bus. When I got in (usually the last one) and after I seated then closed the sliding door, the rubber of the door slipped off and I tried fixing it. I lost my mind because I focused on the rubber falling off when I did close the door. I was at risk on amputating my own 2 fingers on my left hand. I laughed as I massaged my finger and I was a bit caught up during the incident.

I am a left hand user by the way and I can't imagine writing or doing something if it did happen. After that, I laughed as if it was nothing but deep inside I became anxious and thought of all the what ifs. What could have happen if God didn't save me from that? I guess I am just blessed and God has greater plans for me that is why He didn't allow it to happen.

I learned I have to be aware of my actions. I have to be aware of my own safety. I have to be aware of my health. I have to be aware of my attitude. I have a lot of things to be aware of and I praise and thank the Lord for giving me a wake up calling. May I always continue the mission that the Lord has started through me as I follow and take up the journey towards Christ. May God be praised! AMEN!
(January 8, 2013)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I will walk on water Lord..

Matthew 14:22-33New International Version (NIV)

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said,“why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Peter cried out: "Lord save me!"
Jesus reached his hand, "Man of little faith, why did you doubt?"

I see the myself in the character of Peter. He may be old but his faith is like a child. His desire to spread the good news was one of the reasons why God chose and called him despite his unworthiness. He was a fisherman, a man with words, failures and a sinner like me. He can be fearful at the face of trial yet he can be strong enough to preach the gospel of God. He would say yes, firmly obey and witness God's miracle unfold before his eyes. He loved Jesus and looks up to him. He followed his master yet he denied him three times. Despite his doubts and insecurities still God was pleased with him. He hold the keys to heaven. He is a pillar of the church. He was crucified the opposite way and after his death look at where and how the Catholic faith has grown now?

Like Peter, I can be brave and confident to say yes knowing God won't abandon me but when trials struck me down I can be shaken easily. I guess I have a strong belief and my Christian faith is really important to me. The reason why I can't say no is because I know that there's a reason why God has called me and what He asks of me is my firm YES. Well saying yes can be a difficult thing because you really have to stand up for it and you are liable with what you say. There are times that I doubt easily when there are situations that I don't understand. It is hard especially in the time of struggle yet God assures me to keep the faith and walk on water as what He did. He wants me to journey with him and assures me that I am not alone. And when the storms of doubt, fear and struggles come, the Lord will hold my hand, will save me and will calm the storm. I know I have to call on him and be still knowing He is God and I am not.

Here's my fave line of the song: Walk on water by Woodstruck
You came so unexpectedly just when I thought my life was made..
You said My Child come follow me. With all my fears I surrendered..
Chorus: I will walk on water Lord. You have called me. You have called my name..
If it's you Lord I will go..

Monday, August 11, 2014

Obey and Witness!

Imported from CFC Desert Sun

Shared after NATCON 2013

(Posted last October 2013)

Every conference is a blessing for God to teach and mold us.
It is a gathering of God's people with sessions to learn from and an opportunity to worship.

I have always looked forward to attending conferences because it's a way for me to grow,
learn and improve myself.
During the conference, I realized that becoming a witness is not just about
listening to God but voicing out. He desires that we should proclaim His greatness.
Being a witness is allowing Christ to work through us with our brothers and sisters.

It's also an opportunity for me to serve God through documenting the event. 
I was asked to take pictures during the conference. I willingly obeyed and tried my best.
At first I was nervous and I felt clueless. I didn't know what to do and how to do it.
I felt blank and somehow a bit pressured. I know I'm not a professional photographer
but I just love photography.
I don't own a DSLR but I have a point and shoot camera.
I didn't have the capability but with God's grace He blessed my ability.
It was challenging for me in the beginning but God gave me strength to fulfill it.

God didn't allow me to doubt because He believed in my capacity.
He kept whispering to me: "Do whatever He tells you."
He kept encouraging me to go on even if it doesn't make sense. 
He kept reminding me to "Obey and witness!" I followed Him and He made me
feel confident that I can.
He took away my shyness and empowered me to go on.
He removed my doubts & unworthiness.
He is a great God! I even learned about adjusting the effects/settings in the cam
and though my flash wasn't working, I just kept documenting!

Indeed, Praise God! I was able to capture images of Him and documented
some parts of the event through videos.
Stolen shot :)

Bless the work of my hands that I may bring back all the glory to you!
Thank you Lord for your grace and I will be a witness of your love! AMEN!

By Sis Sarah Lauren Lim

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Movie: Miracle in Cell no. 7

4 weeks ago, I watched "Miracle in cell no. 7". It was a tear jerker movie that emphasizes on the love of a family, importance of relationships, doing good without expecting in return, obtaining justice that one deserves and seeing a dose of reality. What happened in the movie was evident in our society today. Many are wrongly accused of the crimes they did not commit. They don't get justice that they deserve, somehow they are force to pay the sentence that is placed on them and they are unable to defend themselves because they are poor.

In the movie, the father was imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He was mentally incapable and he had a daughter whom he loved so much. Despite his incapability, He managed to help other people who was in need even if it would cost him his life. He is kind hearted, loving and caring to the people surrounding him. He was beaten and hurt several times but He never showed anger towards them. His fatherly image showed how much he loved his Ye-sung despite his unjust circumstances.

He built friendship in cell no. 7 which was the most difficult cell in the prison. He saved his roommate (who was the "boss" in prison) from being stabbed on the side. In return for the bravery he was asked what he wanted, he immediately requested for his daughter. The daughter and father were very close with each other. The emotions from the child was very moving and somehow there's an ache in my heart when I see the unfortunate circumstances they were having. She stayed in their cell for 2 days but was caught by the chief. They were separated and her father was placed in the cell being tied by a rope. An inmate set the prison on fire and they had to evacuate. The father was untied but he saw that someone needed his help and he saved the warden/chief. The doctor told him that he was lucky to be alive and the father begged him to save the chief. I guess that melted the cold heart of the chief towards him.

Things started to change in the prison. The relationship grow deeper and somehow they have proved that the father was not guilty of the charge against him. They started helping him and Ye-sung had to be in the box to see her father. The chief took care of his daughter. Everything went well but he was sentenced to death since he was brainwashed to admit the crime for the safety of his daughter. Everybody wondered why and there was nothing they can do but to accept what was decided. It is unfair that an innocent man who's mentally impaired had to be put to death. I felt sorry especially to the scene when they celebrated the birthday then as they parted ways in tears and denial.

The daughter who's all grown up was proving to everybody in court that her father was not guilty. They re-investigated the case in which she won and obtained the justice that her father deserved. Everyone received the peace that they were looking for. Finally the daughter visited her father who was warden in prison and she left. It was snowing and as she walk outside, she reminisced the time when she was with her father in the hot air balloon. The father and the young daughter bid goodbye and she was teary eyed. The movie ended as justice was served just like how sailor moon would say it and the main characters were copying her.