Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A responsibility to BLESS

January 30, 2013

I heard from one of my leaders before that: "Our job is to plant seeds of Christ in the hearts of His people. Our task is to spread the seeds of truth, love, faith and forgiveness through evangelization and bringing them back to God.  Then it is  our God who will nourish, fertilize and cultivate it in order to grow."

"May the seed that we planted on you will sprout and grow to become what God intended you to be. May you be evangelized by the word of God through us being His instrument in this mission. I pray that you will also continue to share what we have imparted and to bear fruit."

I am thankful because God allowed me to grow and bear fruit. He planted a seed in me that continually grow to long and seek for His presence with unending love, forgiveness and grace. Level up Lord. Thank you!!! It has been almost 8 years since I started in YFC and now blessed to be an SFC.

I am blessed and therefore it is my responsibility to bless. :)
I decided that my battle cry for this year is TO BLESS and INCREASE MY FAITH. I know God has a lot to reveal to me this year and I am looking forward full of hope and assurances that He will bless and surprise me beyond compare and measure. I am blessed and it is my responsibility to bless.

(Inspired by the songs: Oh I Love You!, ONE DESIRE, OCEANS WILL PART) 

Blessed by God, Overflowing with love,
Princess SarahKailyn

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!