Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mission never ends

"A mission never ends in defeat."

It is always my desire to serve God and to go beyond borders. Since it's the first month of the year I want to dedicate and even challenge myself to go to where the Lord leads me. I have friends in Fujairah and I have been wanting to go there since I  want to see and help them with the best of my abilities. I was suppose to go there for Kuya Marvin and Ate's wedding but unfortunately I didn't make it. Since next week (Jan. 25) would be the graduation of there mini CLP I want to visit and perhaps serve there as well.

I have met them before during the YFC National Assembly last November 2011. We then met again during the MEC last November 2012. God is good because He reunited me with them. Actually I get to be with the delegates from FUJ and DIBBA during ACYC at Abu Dhabi last November 17-19, 2012. Amazing huh?

One thing I learned from a missionary kuya was you have to give. I learned that I need to invest and offer whatever it is that I possess so that I may bring glory to the Lord...

Lord do you want me to go to FUJ?
(written last January 19)

I prayed for an answer to that question. I posted that or I mean I wrote that last Saturday (Jan 19). A few days later I was having doubts yet I still prayed and asked God's guidance. I thought I was going even if I was not so sure. I was hoping for a positive and last minute response of Yes because that was what I would always do.

 Hours before the First fruits activity I messaged somebody about my decision because I am not sure but still give a hopeful response that I might go. Unfortunately I decided not to go because of financial constraints and because of a meeting after the activity for our 1st anniversary. I have 1 more week before the salary release and to tell you frankly I am really struggling with it. It's hard to manage your finances when you don't have much. Even if I have little with me still I can say that I am blessed and I am grateful because I still have. I have to think about my expenses for the week because I need to work and support myself. I had to give up the mission that I really desired. I felt sorry and disappointed but I have no choice but to choose what I think is right for me.

I thought the mission I started was over but I guess God has ways in making us realize that a mission never ends with defeat because it always wins. I may have been defeated because I allowed worries and fear to dominate me but God has a greater purpose in mind why these things need to happen.

After the first fruits activity we had our planning and meeting for the first and awaited anniversary of our batch, the batch 43. We were about like 20-30 something and we talked about what’s going to happen. So it has been decided that we will celebrate the anniversary on April 26 instead of 27 because it's a Saturday and the majority decided to make it a Friday for everybody's availability. So we assigned committee heads so that the tasks will be distributed and would be easier to work on. Surprisingly the Lord gave me another task even greater than I thought it was if I left for FUJ. 

He gave me a committee to serve Him through documentation. He made me a COMHEAD together with Pol as my partner. BOOOM! I am quite excited though nervous since it's gonna be my first time to serve and I'm looking forward to serve Him better than before. I am happy and privileged to be given this opportunity. They choose me and I couldn't say no so I said Yes. I know I can handle this because I am matured enough, mission ready and God believes I can. Yehey! God is good and amazing. 

I am blessed. May God be praised!
Princess Sarah Kailyn :)) 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A responsibility to BLESS

January 30, 2013

I heard from one of my leaders before that: "Our job is to plant seeds of Christ in the hearts of His people. Our task is to spread the seeds of truth, love, faith and forgiveness through evangelization and bringing them back to God.  Then it is  our God who will nourish, fertilize and cultivate it in order to grow."

"May the seed that we planted on you will sprout and grow to become what God intended you to be. May you be evangelized by the word of God through us being His instrument in this mission. I pray that you will also continue to share what we have imparted and to bear fruit."

I am thankful because God allowed me to grow and bear fruit. He planted a seed in me that continually grow to long and seek for His presence with unending love, forgiveness and grace. Level up Lord. Thank you!!! It has been almost 8 years since I started in YFC and now blessed to be an SFC.

I am blessed and therefore it is my responsibility to bless. :)
I decided that my battle cry for this year is TO BLESS and INCREASE MY FAITH. I know God has a lot to reveal to me this year and I am looking forward full of hope and assurances that He will bless and surprise me beyond compare and measure. I am blessed and it is my responsibility to bless.

(Inspired by the songs: Oh I Love You!, ONE DESIRE, OCEANS WILL PART) 

Blessed by God, Overflowing with love,
Princess SarahKailyn

Kevin is an RN!

January 30, 2013

This message made my day and I admit I was a bit teary-eyed (almost cried). So blessed to share the success of my baby bro. Congratulations!!! Ikaw na!! God is indeed great and good. :)) Thank you Lord. Answered prayer and a great blessing.. Next na si Carla hehehe :)) gin print screen ko gd ni pra may remembrance heheh :))

Miss and love you my dear family huhuhuhu reunion na ta sa December :))

Thank you! Praise God!! :) Blessed ako talaga! SO much!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Forgive and follow!

Yesterday's gospel was about forgiveness..
Truly, I say to you, every sin will be forgiven… (Mk 3:22-30)

Then today's first reading is… (Heb:10:1-10)
Christ says: You did not desire sacrifice and offering; you were not pleased with burnt offerings. Then I said: "Here I am. It was written of me in the scroll. I will do your will, O God."

Responsorial psalm: Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.

Gospel from Mk. 3:31-35
He replied, "Who are my brothers and sisters?" And looking around at those who sat there he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the will of God is brother, sister and mother to me."

The song that played inside my mind was "By your grace"
Oh I will live for you. Every moment of the day to you I'll pray.. Oh I will worship you. Every part of me I'll surrender to you and I'll do it all by your grace…

Today, 29 January 2013 was the most tired day I have ever been. I dunno why but I guess it is because my back hurts. I kinda carried a heavy baby today and somehow stressed my back. So for the whole day I could really feel the pain which affected my mood but still tried to perform my duties well.

I said to myself: "I will do your will Lord and I will endure. No matter how hard the work I'm doing or how stressful the parents and kids are or how I relate with my co-workers because I know that it's all worth it. I will Lord for you because I love you so much and I will do whatever it is that you tell me to do.

Sometimes I would just think and decide to be quiet when I hear negative things from them. Silence is my friend when I am insulted and hurt. I guess it's better that way and to avoid arguments. I don't want to argue with them. For me, as long as we respect each other and treat others kindly then that's enough. "My God is the one who'll act and judge you base on your actions." I don't need to curse or think about how bad you are. I am a good person and I will do the right thing even if you don't do the same to me. Even if you laugh at me or even do things to hurt me, still I won’t dare do it to you. I really thank God for blessing me this kindness that I share with others. Even if it's hard to mingle and establish trust with them. I still try hard and understand them because they will always be like that and I can never change it but can only influence them to be better. I guess God really influenced and taught me a lot through CFC J I am so grateful and blessed..
Today I learned to forgive and follow. To forgive and to ask forgiveness and to follow God's leading with sincerity and openness. Forgive and follow. Let your heart lead you to your desires and set it free from the hurts of the past.. Let God be your guide and allow Him to be the center of your life and in your heart..

May God be praised!

Be like Christ. Obey and witness!!!

To forgive and to follow like Christ did,
Princess SarahKailyn

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lord, lead me.

You don't need to be great to accomplish something great. You just need to be Yourself. Nothing more, nothing less. Do your best and God will do the rest.. May God be praised... I am blessed to bless. Thank you! Lord, lead me.. #doodle #art 


Lord lead me to where you want me to be..
#myONLYprayer #leadMYheart

My doodle art for today.. I decided to be productive and will try to do one doodle a day as long as I can heheh.. I will try with God's grace I will because I can..

Hoping, claiming, waiting, praying like Christ,
Princess Sarah Kailyn...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Christ driven

The Gospel today was taken from Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21

Of all the words I read and understood I guess a few sentences struck me the most and made me reflect on the revelations that the Lord is making me discover and realize where He's leading me.

Jesus unrolled the scroll and found the place where it is written: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and new sight to the blind, to free the oppressed and announce the Lord's year of year."

Jesus said to them, "Today these prophetic words come true even as you listen."

Ps. 19:8, 9, 10, 15
"Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life."

As I was reading this gospel earlier in the morning before I left for work I paused when I read those words especially to the anointing part. I then asked myself: "Lord are you anointing me? Is this the assurance that I've been praying for? Does it mean I have your blessing and go signal to go and follow my heart's desire? Are these your affirmation and answer to the question I've been asking?"

To tell you frankly I'm a bit shocked yet happy how God immediately heard my cry and answered me with full of hope and assurance. Still I want to make sure of this feeling that this is not the usual thing that I feel. I want to really know if it's really what I want and desire. Lord please continue to guide and lead me to where you want me to be.

My Prayer:
Dear Lord, thank you for your unending grace and providence to me and my family. I am so blessed my God and it is overflowing through me. Thank you so much. Lord I lift and surrender to you my heart, myself, my service and my desires. I pray that may you lead me to the right path. Speak to me Lord. Tell me what you want me to do. Make me realize and know the plans you have prepared for me in this life. Use me Lord to be a blessing to others that I may inspire and give them hope and light like your Son, Jesus did. Allow me to feel your presence and be moved me with your word and Spirit. Touch me and allow change to consume me. Motivate me to strive hard to proclaim your greatness and obey your teachings. Lord God, have your way in me. This heart belongs to You Jesus. I submit and offer myself to You. Use me for your greater glory. I am ready to do your will. Let it be done. Amen.

Driven by Christ. Love for Christ. Journey with Christ.
In Your name Lord, I trust.
Your Princess, Sarah Kailyn

~Inspired by God. Powered by love.~

Working for God.

Happily working for God and His glory!!! <3

Working for God. All for Love. :)

Today, January 27, 2013 was the start of my mission. I tried working hard, played harder and prayed hardest today. Well maybe I complained a little bit and I'm trying to obey without complain. I am open to challenges and I'm a good listener. I will try my best to follow whatever it is that the Lord tells me to do. I enjoyed this day with a blast and I love playing with the kids. Hihihi! I just hope and pray that the Lord will lead me to the right path that my heart really desire. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Father, send me.

As I read and reflected today's Gospel message I realized that the Lord is telling me something and I can feel it through the longing in my heart.

"The harvest is rich, but the workers are few. So you must ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to His harvest. Courage! I am sending you like lambs among wolves." Luke 10:1-9

"Proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the nations." Psalm 96

Lord I know what I want and I desire for a higher calling in my mission. I can't afford to wait and be like this. I am a person who wants to do and make things happen with the help of your grace. I just can't sit here and do nothing. I know I have to do something. I have to decide. I have to pray for this desire for mission.

"Alam ko po Lord kung ano talaga ang gusto ko. Hinahanap hanap ng puso ko at hindi ko kaya na ito'y tanggihan o balewalain. Gusto kong pagsilbihan ka ng buong buo. Ibibigay ko ang lahat na makakaya ko para sa misyon na ipinagkatiwala mo. Nararamdaman ko po na may kulang talaga. Nangungulila ako at hinahanap hanap ang iyong presensya sa communidad ng CFC. Hindi sapat ang serbisyo ko sa SFC at KFC kasi gusto ko bumalik sa YFC.  Ngayon ko lang nalaman na kailangan ko rin po magsilbi sa YFC. Sa YFC kung saan ako nag-umpisa, kung saan ako'y natuto, kung saan ako lumaki, at kung saan ako'y nagsumpa na pagsisilbihan kita sa abot ng aking makakaya. Lord gusto ko po mag misyon sa YFC kasi iyon ang gusto't ninanais ng aking puso. Kung ano man ang gusto mo para sa buhay ko, hayaan mo na matupad iyan sa ngalan ni Kristo, Aking Panginoon at Tagapagligtas. Amen."

My only desire in my heart now is go back to YFC. I want to serve the YFC community again. I want to teach and mentor the future leaders of this community. I want to spend my time in service with the youth who is the hope of the nation. I want to ease the feeling of homesickness, longingness and hunger to preach and proclaim God's word. I know and I feel that you want me to go back. I desire this so much Lord more than the desire to have a GG.

I may have failed in my profession as a nurse but I won't give up in pursuing my dream to become a missionary. You called me to be here Lord and I will firmly and bravely say Yes to the calling.

"The calling is loud and clear and I can no longer resist in denying it."

Lord I want to be sure of this feeling. Make your ways be known to me. Speak to me Lord. Tell me what you want. I am ready to listen. If it's not what I think it is then please give me a heart ready to accept whatever it is that you have planned for me. Lord I lift up and surrender this feeling. Give me the grace I need to understand and apply whatever it is that you taught me. Teach me to pray from the heart. Bless me Lord as I bless others with my blessings. Lord please let your will be done. All of this I ask and pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

Songs being played as I reflect and pray: Heaven, I know, Have your way, Give my all, Grateful, Larger than life, Never be the same, Spirit is strong, God in Me

January 26, 2013

January 23: Umasa ka Anak

"Umasa ka Anak kahit alam mong walang pag-asa kasi sa pamamagitan nyan maraming milagro ang mangyayari basta’t maniwala’t umasa ka lang sa akin, ang iyong Diyos! Walang imposible dahil lahat posible! Abot kamay mo na lahat ng hinihiling mo basta’t matuto kang mag-antay, magdasal, mangarap at huwag mawalan ng pag-asa. Anak, O aking Prinsesa, mahal kita at pinlano ko ang “da best” para lang sa iyo. Tandaan mo yan!"

Gracious God ♥
from my heart.. God’s affirmation and my only prayer.. :))

Friday, January 25, 2013

My heart, be still.

I don't know what's happening with me this past few days but it has always have to do with my heart. It has been so sensitive, complex and so exaggerated (sometimes). 

My heart is longing for something that is missing. I thought I had everything but there's always a part of me that seeks to be complete. I need not deny it but I guess I know what I need and it is about time for it. I am proud and happy that finally God affirmed me that it is time. I am ready to accept and I am excited to welcome him soon. For now I am still hoping, claiming and waiting. I am still anticipating, longing and dreaming. I am assured and faithful that God will surely grant my heart's desires.

The day before my birthday, God assured and affirmed that this year He will grant my prayer to have my 4G. At first I was afraid and I doubted. I said "Are you joking Lord?" It felt like the first time and I was so nervous and so disturbed (really!). But then who am I to question God? My faith was tested and I failed because I doubted. I know deep within me that it was not I who made it up but it was His voice clearly speaking to me. It was definitely Him. After His affirmations He assured me to fear not and trust Him more because He knows what's best for me. Also, He said I should trust Him more, patiently wait and pray hardest for it.

In His time, He will surely surprise me unexpectedly. I just can't wait when it happens and surely I will praise, glorify, serve and love Him even more. So for now, it's just me and my God. I am enjoying my life being single, blessed and loved. I'm in the process in rebuilding my relationship with Him and with my family. I know that when all things fall in place then His miracle will happen. I definitely claim in Jesus' name. I believe! God's promises will be fulfilled. And nothing can stop it from happening.

"The Lord will fight for you.. You need only to be still…"
Someday it's gonna make sense.. I am sure of it…

A realization and my prayer for my 4G
So heart, be still. God surely allows it will.

In His right time, soon You will be mine.

This love is selflessly pure and it will endure.

I have faith. I am hopeful. And I will wait.

I will pray. I surrender. And I claim in Jesus' name.


May God be praised!

Sarah Lauren Lim
January 20, 2013