Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lessons learned from Kish Island

I wrote this post before I left Iran (about 2 months ago) but because of the busy schedule I have and things have been doing, I wasn't able to post it. So here I am sharing to the whole world the amazing experience through the realizations I have staying there. Better late than never hihihi!

This is my 2nd time to visit Kish Island after 2 years since I got my first job in Dubai, UAE. I can't believe that time flies so fast and here I am again exiting for change of visa from cancelled to tourist. This happened last January 27 until February 1, 2014. I stayed for 5 days as I wait for the issuance of visa.

We were in an island wherein most of us have been there for quite a while and there was nothing for us to do. We decided to go to places together, talk about random things/situations, had an experience to attend a bible study and we usually ate our meals together. We had fun because we enjoyed our stay there.

I have learned 10 things during my 5 day stay there........

1. Build RELATIONSHIPS through FRIENDSHIP with other people because no man is an island..

2. Sharing your burdens with others. In return, listening to their stories and learning from their mistakes.

3. No worries, less stress. Enjoy life. Relax. Take it easy. God is in control.

4. Try to learn something new. 

5. Be open to various possibilities. Get ready for the (unexpected) surprises from God.

6. Enjoy and savor your simple joys.

7. Overcoming fears and surrendering to God.

8. Waiting takes time. Great things come through patience.

9. Being distant is hard and communication is important to maintain relationships. Trust is essential.

10. Letting go of bad experiences, unwanted feelings and burdens then allowing God's love 
and forgiveness to heal you and take over. (Letting go and letting God)

At some point we were lonely because we felt isolated from the world but it was a chance for us to reflect and realize the importance of time for others, the presence of our loved ones and our time for our own self. Busy as we are with the priorities we have, we usually fail to realize that we are blessed. Sometimes we take for granted the persons whom we loved and the time we spent with them is almost too little.

Going to Kish was like a retreat for me since I don't spend my time wisely because I'm too busy with some things. I am happy and proud because meeting people, listening to them and journeying with them there was a bonus. I had fun and I didn't regret going there. God taught me to build and strengthen relationships and that I will put in to practice with His grace in time.

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!