Saturday, April 12, 2014

Deo Gloria

Last October 2013, I was privileged to attend the YFC Middle East Leaders Summit not as a participant but as a stage runner. I feel blessed because I never expected that I would be called to serve Him there. Oh how I missed being in the YFC community because it was where my journey started. The experience I had was more of a throwback of the memories I had in the past and it was God's sweet reminder of how great He has been through the years. The event was "Deo Gloria" which means Glory be to God in the Highest and was inspired by the verse taken from 1 Peter 5:1-11. It was attended by YFC leaders and couple coordinators coming from different countries in the Middle East. Indeed, God really works wonderfully despite the distance, hindrance and even our past experiences.

During the last session, Kuya Ernie, FTW of YFC, talked about the realities that the youth of today experience. We become confused, persuaded, afraid and sometimes those things hinder us from glorifying God. The session was an eye opener. "How do we bring glory to God?" He simply said by obeying the will of God and becoming a witness of His greatness because it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20). God is in me, in you and in everyone. Let us allow our own self for God to work through us and that's more than enough to bring Him glory. He is the King of all the Kings and the Lord of all the Lords! Being glorified in our own self is nothing for God alone deserves all the glory because He is praiseworthy.

There are many ways to bring glory to God and it can be through our families, studies, talents, service, career, struggle, community, relationships, church, and by living our life that's pleasing to Him. Worship is also a way of glorifying Him because we are able to praise, pray, sing and express our true self to Him without fear. I found out the reason behind the strumming of guitar before the worship. And it is to awaken/stir the Spirit in us (that sometimes sleep). We also raise our hands, we dance, we shout, we may cry, we open our arms wide, we kneel and we jump for joy because it's a piece of Heaven for us and how amazing it is to know that the Spirit is really working in our lives. Now it's clear why we feel hyped up because the Spirit is alive in us like a fire burning.

Bringing glory to God is not easy but it's going to be worth it. It's challenging but life changing. God teaches us not to be afraid because He is with us and that He will never fail us. He pushes us to go on mission, to evangelize, to spread the word of truth, to go out of our comfort zones, to serve, to become His instrument of peace, to become a source of love, to imitate Christ and to live a life by glorifying Him.

And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will He Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To Him be the power forever and ever. Amen.
-1 Peter 5:11

How are you going to bring back the glory that God deserves?


May God be praised!

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!