Monday, March 31, 2014

Fear not

I felt so inspired just by listening to the clip of this video. The words are direct and have an impact to which is true in real life.. May we have the courage to fear not, be fruitful and faithful. 

Most Christians never have the luxury of hearing God say fear not because they never attempt anything great enough to merit the command. If what you attempt does not scare you spitless then you are not in the will of God.

I charge you not to fear the wrath of man but to fear that you never make men angry. Fear not the attack of satan but fear that you never make his hit list. Fear not the unknown but fear that you never learn what's beyond the unknown. Fear not trials and tribulations but fear a life of ease and complacency. 

Fear not the God haters but fear God himself. Fear not that your messages are not good but fear that your messages are not of God. Fear not what men may say about you but fear what God would say about you. Fear not attempting something great for God and failing but fear rather attempting small things for God and succeeding. Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but fear Him who's able to destroy both body and soul in hell.

My prayer for you is not that you'd live a life free from fear, but a life fearing the right things!
-Richard Crisco

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!