Thursday, March 6, 2014

Created from dust with Love

Today is Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2014) and it marks the start of the Season of Lent that is composed of 40 days. It is a time to repent, to fast, to pray, to serve and turn to God. The reason we celebrate Lent is for us to reflect on the life of Jesus, on the life He chose to live wherein He saved us yet He suffered and died for the salvation of many. This is the time to change our negative ways and do good to others.

All are from the dust and to dust you shall return.
Ecclesiastes 3:20

We are reminded that we came from dust and it is where we will return when our time is finish on earth. God formed us through dust and how wonderful what we have become now. Who would have imagine that we were once dust? We were stained, dirty, sinful, imprisoned, lost and messy but through the salvation of Christ we were made clean, presentable, freed from sin, saved, guided, loved and forgiven. The power of God's love is incomparable, uncontainable, limitless, unending, indescribable, empowering, sustaining, unconditional and overflowing. The kind of love He possessed was the love that set us free from the bondage of sin. The love that’s willing to sacrifice the life of His son for the benefit of everyone. It is the love that surpasses all odds and makes impossible things possible. It is also the love which Jesus showed by dying on the cross, the love that in which Mary obeyed the will of the Father, the love between the disciples of Jesus to serve and proclaim the gospel, the love for the families and the love that first came from God. How powerful that kind of love that they possess, a love that is immense, genuine and selfless.

Lord may this season of Lent allow me to pray, serve, fast and repent. I know I have flaws, mistakes and some sins that I need to overcome. Help me to do things in accordance to your will. May I accept your plans and I am confident that by your grace I will surpass them all. I know Lord I will be stronger, better, wiser and braver. Thank you for creating me from dust with love and for reminding me that it is from dust shall I return. Thank you for embracing me, for guiding me, for loving me, for supporting me, for being in me and for saving me. I am ready Lord for whatever that lies ahead. May I bring you glory and praise because you deserve it.

"Repent and don't sin again."

Readings of the day:
Joel 2:12-18
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Psalm 51:3-6, 12-14, 17
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

  My Child,
Rejoice! Be grateful that I have molded and created you from dust with love,

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!