Monday, March 3, 2014

Be strong Princess!

 God's letter for strength, encouragement and acceptance of His will
(written last February 27, 2014)

Dear Princess,

How are you? I wrote to you because I can feel the burden that you are and have been carrying. You may hide those things from others but you cannot hide them from me. I noticed how moody and sad you are for the past few days. I know it's a hard thing to experience but I am here to support and encourage you to keep going. I can see that you are struggling and you're trying to overcome it by being strong. I know that the fight is tough and the road you're traveling is rough. I know it gets harder each time and sometimes it gets even worst. I can feel the pain that you are going through and no words can ever describe how you really feel. I know you can't resist being angry because I know you were hurt and still you're hurting. It's heart breaking but at least you know the truth at the earliest and it gets difficult to believe knowing that you were expecting something yet ended up being disappointed. I understand what you feel and I know how you try your best to understand the situation. I can definitely see that you are coping up. It's never easy but it's definitely worth it. Just be real with your feelings and cry when you need to. You can always run to me and tell me because I am always listening.

My Child, trials are difficult at first but allow them to mold and transform you to be better, to be stronger, to be wiser, to be mature and be open for a lot of changes. I know you have gotten used to the things you were doing but it's time to move on and leave it all behind. I don't want to see you down, depressed and cold. I want you to feel that you're important and you are loved. No more insecurities, guilt, anger and emotional (negative) feelings. Get up, set yourself free and move. It's not worth it and he's not worth it anymore. Save some pride for yourself. It's time to let go of the things that hurt you and allow me to heal you. I can do a lot of things for you as long as you allow my love to comfort and assure you. Open yourself and listen to me. I will take care of you. I will not hurt you. I will empower you and allow you to stand up again for you to learn the things that you refuse to learn. I will push you to do greater things and bring glory in my name. I have a lot of wonderful plans for you. Don't give up trying. Keep struggling and fighting. There's a right time for everything. Trust me because I know what I'm doing. Believe, have faith and never doubt. It may be cloudy or rainy now but it cannot stay like that forever. The rainbow and sunshine always come after a gloomy weather.

My dearest, be still and just allow my will to be done. Be patient and enjoy the wait. Forgive and don't allow anger to dwell in your heart. Be flexible and guard your heart. Be excited for the surprises that I have prepared for you. Live by being free and learn from your mistakes. Surrender your worries, fears, pains and all emotions to me for I will give you rest and peace. Smile. Just forget your circumstances and focus on my promise. I know what I'm doing. Everything will be revealed to you when everything's settled. Just hold on to me. You are not alone. You can go through this for I am with you. I love you. Allow my love to complete and embrace you during this moment. Everything will be alright. I promise you.

Your God Almighty King

Joshua 1:9

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Thank you! God bless! :)
Deo Gloria!