Sunday, November 15, 2015

Work in Progress

All of us are a work in progress.. 
Messy, broken, unorganized, out of focus, lost and imperfect..

We are a craft in the making..
A butterfly (err caterpillar) in a cocoon..
A baby starting to walk..
A chick in an egg shell..
A beauty in our unique ways for God has design us perfectly. 

God is our maker, our designer and our potter.
We have to believe that He created us amazingly as we are.
We have to accept what He has blessed us with..
We have a time to bloom in our own ways...
We can embrace change to improve ourselves..

Sometimes we just have to patiently wait for the right timing for he will reveal it to us unexpectedly. 
Remember that you are God's masterpiece and His plans are yet to unfold in your life. 
Just wait, be patient and have faith..

The work is still in progress.... and God is in control..
Keep calm.. Hold on and be patient..

Lalalala Hugoooot! Hahaha 
-my *edited* post during our exhibition (last ADIPEC, Nov 8-12)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

A love that endures

“What is family?”
We pondered and ask ourselves what family meant for us. We mentioned words that relate to “family” and we agreed that the word itself has a lot of meaning. We concluded that family means God’s gift, belongingness, happiness, blessing, comfort, love, faith, trust, peace, purpose, guidance, strength, unity, forgiveness, home, church, marriage, providence, sacrifice, relationship, communication, time, treasure, community, work, effort, distance, responsibility, blood related, sweat, rivalry, hurts, under progress, third party, mistress, abortion, emotional baggage, selfishness, separation, brokenness, defense mechanism, pain, misunderstanding and the list goes on. We realized that family can be defined simply as love.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.
-1 Corinthians 13:7

How wonderful and powerful true and genuine love can be? For it is by love that God sent his Son to save the world. It is by love that he has called us and even blessed us with a family we can call our own. It is also by love from our parents that we are here enjoying life by living on earth. We don’t choose our parents and neither do they choose their children. The family is a manifestation of God’s great plan and love for mankind.

A family is not referred to as blood related only. Any person can be a part of a family no matter what their circumstances may be. Belonging to a community, to a workplace, to the Church, to friends or even housemates is already considered as a family because we are building a relationship with them. Being migrant workers in a foreign country, I believe God provided a second family for us to share and enjoy our life even if our biological family is away from us.

The fruit of a family is a blessing of a relationship and a love that is shared between them. It is the love that binds and unites them like a rope tied by connecting each member together. The love continues to grow stronger and blazes like fire burning with passion and desire that nothing can stop it. The relationship built flows deeply more than blood, sweat and water as time passes by. We all have good and bad sides and when there is love and acceptance, the heart is freed of any guilt or bad emotions and the desire to change to become better is there.

The family nowadays is being attacked and we should always remember that no matter how hard and difficult the situations may be, as long as there is love, relationship and a commitment to hold on to then definitely it will withstand all the storms that life may bring. The vibrant colors symbolize the ups and downs of family life. It shows that family will always be the reason for us to love and they will always be our home when there’s no place that we can run to for comfort. Love endures and therefore our family should endure because they are God’s gift to us. Our family and our love to them is always worth fighting and enduring for!

This entry is dedicated to all our family and friends who are gifts from God and we praise the Lord for they are our treasures! They are a God's masterpiece in our life. "Thank you and We love you!"

Dubai Chapter 3B3: Thank you Girl power!
Sarah Lauren Lim, Karla Mae Gabion, Vaneflor Olesco, Leah Joy Lingat, Madonna Cabalona and also thank you for the support from members of Chapter 3B3

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Funny convo of Me and God

A funny convo with God that's a bit melodramatic yet somehow was an eye opener for me and hit me with a big realization. I was praying for something to happen and I was doubting if it was really meant for me. Truly He answers us in ways we couldn't see but in circumstances we can really feel. He hears our every cry and no silence escapes Him. You are indeed a great God. Thank you for your confrontation and for making me see the blindness I refuse to unveil and discover the lies that held me captive. Allow me to break free and to stand up slowly but surely. In your name, I trust. May your will be done. AMEN.
(written last year when I was discerning to go for RECON but failed to do so)

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AKO: Ano bang gusto mong gawin ko?

SIYA: Ano ba ang kaya mong gawin para sa akin?

AKO: Aaaahhh…. Ummm **isip** Hindi ko alam? Marami?!? **duda mode**

SIYA: Bakit naman? Pinagdududahan mo ba ako o ang sarili mo?

AKO: Nagdududa ako kasi alam ko capasidad ko. Basta ang gulo kasi!

SIYA: Isa lang naman ang pipiliin mo at ako na bahala sa ano pang kailangan mo. Manalig ka sa akin!

AKO: Paano eto……. Kasi may ganito……. Tapos ayun….. Haaaay buhay napaka complikado…. Puro na lang problema. Nakaka stress na!

SIYA: Ikaw lang naman nagpapa complikado ng usapang ito. Oo o hindi lang ang isasagot mo pero nagdadahilan ka pa ng kung ano ano. Oh kay tigas nga naman ng ulo mo.

AKO: Kasi naman takot ako… tsaka maraming duda sa kung ano ano.. hmmm maraming iniisip na d naman kelangan.. haay napaka advance pa ng utak ko… kasi maraming dinadala at kinakarga....tsaka maraming inaalala at alam kong nakaka abala na talaga.. Haaay napaka worry freak lang ng peg ko.. Grrrrr kainisssssss!

SIYA: Sumasakit na nga tenga ko sa kakapakinig sa lahat ng litanya mo kahit na paulit ulit na lang ganyan. Wala ka bang tiwala man lang? Nasaan na ba ang dating “ikaw” na walang takot hinaharap ang mga bagay bagay, ung dating “ikaw” na di basta basta sumusuko kahit lubog na lubog na, ung dating “ikaw” na malakas ang loob at may tiwala sa akin, ung dating “ikaw” na hindi ng aalala sa mangyayari bukas, ung dating “ikaw” na wagas ang ngiti kahit may pinoproblema, ung dating “ikaw” na kung makapagsabi ng OO/YES ay papanindigan kahit gaano kahirap, ung dating “ikaw” na may disiplina at hindi pabaya tsaka ung dating “ikaw” na kilalang kilala ko mula noon. Anyare at bigla kang nagbago at lumayo???

AKO: .......................................................... Alam ko..

SIYA: Anyare?

AKO: Nagpadala kasi ako sa kahinaan ko, sa pagiging makasarili ko, sa kalungkutan ko, sa pangungulila ko, sa kakaibang emosyon ko, sa sari saring iniisip ko at sa kung ano pang nararamdaman ng puso ko. Akala ko tama ung ginagawa ko pero nakakalimutan ko na at sa mga yun dun nagsimula ang unti unti kong paglayo. Hinanap ko ang mga bagay na mgpapacompleto sa akin and magbibigay saya sa akin. Kaya nakalimot ako at dun nawala na ang lahat. Kaya eto ako ngayon, hirap na hirap bumangon ulit. Ung mahinang ako na nauubusan na ng lakas ng loob at laging takot. Ung ako na d ko inaasahan na bibigat at lalapad ng ganito. Ung ako na mahina, mapagduda, makasarili at ngpadala sa temptasyon. Nagsisisi ako at ngayon gusto ko ng itama ang mga mali ko. Gusto ko ng bumalik sa dati kaso ang hiraaaaaaaaaaap pala.

SIYA: Magiging maayos rin ang lahat Anak. Tandaan mo na ang mga nangyayaring ito ay may rason. Kapit ka lang. Pagdaanan mo lang kasi ito ang magtuturo sayo ng tama kesa sa mali. Matututo ka Anak. Wag kang matakot. Tumayo kang muli. Mag-umpisa ka sa sarili mo, sa dasal, sa tiwala at isipin na makakayanan mo rin ito. Kasama mo ko at d magtatagal ay magtatagumpay ka din.

AKO: Panginoon, turuan mo akong maniwala sa di kapanipaniwalang bagay. Alam kong walang imposible sa iyo at alam kong malalampasan ko rin ito. Itinataas ko na ang lahat sa inyo. Oh Diyos, kayo na po ang bahala sa akin. Kailangan kita at maraming salamat sa lahat. In Jesus' name, Amen.


 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0

God speaks in different ways. Are we listening when he speaks?
Or are we busy talking the whole time in prayer?
Reflect and listen well.
Are you?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Obey, follow and witness Christ!

Daily Manna sharing
Date: Sept. 30, 2015
Gospel: Luke 9:57-62

The Cost of Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-62)
57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
59 He said to another man, “Follow me.”
But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”
60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”
62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

The word “follow” has a lot of meaning and can be defined as to obey, to imitate/copy, to act accordingly, to understand, to carry out and to become an example. To name a few, Mother Mary and Jesus are the best examples that we all should follow and strive to become. With how they said “Yes” and allowed God to work in their life was a testimony on how they trusted and had faith with His plan for them despite the unknown circumstances.

I remembered in a previous conference when a speaker told us that we are an “OFW” and everyone agreed. We were thinking that OFW means “Overseas Filipino Worker”. In fact he was right because in the eyes of our loved ones and fellow Filipinos – we are OFWs! We are the new heroes of our nation. Well in contrast to what we know, the speaker gave us an uplifting meaning of what an “OFW” is. He said that we are an “OFW” and we should be “Obedient Followers and Witnesses of Christ”. From what he said, everyone pondered and realized he was right. God sees us differently and we must be confident knowing we are His sons and daughters. We were called for a purpose and He wants us to live our life as an “OFW of and for Christ” to others who are the least, the lost and the last.     
In the Gospel when Jesus said, “Follow me”, He did not literally mean to just keep following him and do nothing. What He wanted us to understand is that in following Him, we have to deny ourselves, we have to trust and do what He ask us to do regardless how easy, difficult or conflicting the task will be. Jesus affirms us that in following Him, He will also take care of our needs. He assures us that whatever we ask in His name will be granted in God’s perfect time. So when He tells us to go, let us be confident that He knows what He is doing and He believes in our capacity.
Brothers and sisters, we are destined for greater things and God continues to knock in our hearts. Let us answer the call and become His instrument to others. Let us set aside our unworthiness, be healed of our pains, ask forgiveness, be renewed and be empowered by His mercy and grace. May we prepare our hearts to love others more just as He first loved us. In our journey as followers and servants of God, our mission is challenging and difficult but He affirms us that we are not alone. When we need Him, let us come to Him through prayer and rest. As one Church, together let’s work and strive to become obedient followers and witnesses of Christ wherever we are and even to the ends of the earth because we were created to be like Christ! With God’s grace, we can!
And with this may God be praised! Deo Gloria!

Guide question:
How can I be an obedient follower and witness of Christ?




Monday, August 31, 2015

Make it Right

23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
(Matthew 5:23-24)

My Child,
I want you to keep short accounts. That means I don’t want you to be mad at anyone for long. I understand people get on your nerves—brothers, sisters, friends and enemies. But I want you to be at peace with those around you. If you feed the homeless, you’re nice to the kids called nerds, and you wear an “I love Jesus” shirt, but you hate your big brother because he made fun of you, how are you worshiping Me?

You show your love for Me by loving and forgiving the people around you. If you have to choose between writing Me a love song or apologizing to someone, I want you to apologize first. Then the love song you write will flow from a heart of love. I care about your relationships, and I want them to be right.

Your friend,

(from the book - Emails from God by Cloninger)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Heavenly Peace: Me & Jesus

Last April 11, 2015, I had the most uplifting, empowering and spirit filled experience with Jesus. If I were to describe it then it has to be an encounter full of peace, serenity, overwhelming yet being still before God.

I was able to sleep well the night before and upon waking up, I felt great and recharged. I had plans to do and was able to achieve them all with God’s grace. Yipey! I cooked my meal, squeezed the juice from a kilo of lemons and was able to prepare a healthy pancake for snack which I just experimented hahaha (fyi: the ingredients were banana, black sesame powder, flaxseed oil, peanut butter mixed with chocolate, oatmeal, eggs, flour, cooking oil and milk…whew that’s a lot) I assure you it’s healthy and yummy at the same time hohoho!

I prepared myself for the Holy Mass and confession since our Baptism was on that day itself. I need to prep myself for the spiritual battle since this is one of the highlighted events in the CLP. Praise God so far I didn't experience any major harassment that day or even the days/weeks before. I guess it was all minor struggles knowing that God is always with me and that I’m not alone for I have my loved ones and friends with me. Everything feels like smooth sailing and I always feel being embraced by God and how great and wonderful it is to experience that kind of love being expressed to you.

The homily was about faith amidst doubt, worry and fears. It was also the time when Jesus breathe on them the Holy Spirit. It also spoke about doubting Thomas, him not believing until he saw and touch the wounds of Jesus. He was a man of faith upon experiencing and seeing Jesus for he uttered words with conviction “My Lord and my God”. He was a changed man and Jesus in turn said in reply, “blessed are you who have not seen but believed..”  

Hmmm God is indeed a great God. Everything happened for a reason. I learned as I held on to my faith and prayed more than before. Slowly and surely, He is fulfilling His great plans in me. Oh Lord may you change the worst of me to become the best of what I can be! Mold me, use me and lead me. Thank you for making me feel and experience a piece of heaven, an assurance of your promises and a fulfillment of your plans. Have your way in me! :) 

Friday, July 3, 2015

PINASmile 2015

Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you your heart's desires.

It all started with a dream of coming home and with the grace of God, it all came true. I held on to that verse as I continued my journey and to tell you frankly, it was never easy but definitely worth it. The Lord was generous and mighty enough to hear every desire, every cry and every longing that's in my heart. Thank you for answering my prayers beyond measure and expectation. Thank you for your presence, love, generosity and providence that really never failed me. Thank you so much Lord for all these blessings and therefore I conclude that rain has poured upon me and to those around me.

PINASmile 2015 - It's definitely more fun in the Philippines!
Sharing the joy and genuine smiles. LOVE pa MORE! :)
Thank you so much dear Lord! :)

(April 23-May 15, 2015)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

From the beast to the best!

At this moment, I can confidently say that my prayer and relationship to God is stronger than before but still despite that fact, there are times that I doubt his grace for me. There are moments that I still submit to temptation easily. I give up when I felt it’s not worth it. I refuse to listen because of my stubbornness. I worry and get stressed a lot and my selfishness brings out the worst in me.

He can transform the beast of me to the best of me.
Regardless of whatever things I do, God reminds me that He loves me and that I also need express that love to others more. God is love and with that everlasting and unconditional love, I am constantly improving if not for the good but for the better version of me that God wants that I will be. He wants me to experience the true power of genuine love because through that love and with His amazing grace, He can transform the beast of me to the best of me.
I am a work in progress. I may not be the best but for sure in His perfect time I can be the best in God's eyes. Have mercy and pity on me and forgive my sins. Lead me Lord. Mold me and use me greatly for your purpose. Transform my weakness to become your strength and change my heart to be like yours. With your grace, with your power and with your love, I am made new and will be renewed. May your will be done always and forever.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pray with Faith!

Prayers are always answered. You don't have to beg or make deals with the Creator when you pray. The key is to pray with faith, knowing and believing that, what you ask for, you already have! 
—Iyanla Vanzant 

Late post: Happy 26th!

Thank you for making me smile. Lord, thank you for everything. A year has passed and I feel better than before. Survived the storm and became stronger than ever. So blessed and happy. May your will be done.. Bring it on! Happy 26th! smile emoticon ‪#‎iamBBM‬ ‪#‎deogloria‬ ‪#‎thankyouLord‬ ‪#‎happy‬ ‪#‎smile‬‪#‎chooseChrist‬

Thursday, April 23, 2015

His Promises claimed!

1 YEAR AGO TUE February 11, 2014 9:27am

Child, I never promised that it would be easy but it's going to be worth it. Hold on to me. I am here. I have a great plan for you, a future full of hope. Keep going and keep fighting. Be strong, firm and still for I am with you. Everything will be alright. Trust me with all that you've got. Give me your pains, struggles, aches and worries for I will give heal you, mold you and give you rest. Don't give up for you have come this far.

This is a test of faith and I know you'll make it through. I believe in you and I hope you believe yourself. Stand strong child and when you fall just think and stand again. Don't keep your emotions in but share it with me. I want you to be free from negative emotions for I want you to feel the genuine love, mercy and care that I feel for you. 

When all things fall to their places, when it's the right time, when things will be settled and when you are better and stronger then that's the time that I will reveal all my plans and dreams for you. I love you with an everlasting love for you have been wonderfully made in my image.

You are my princess and I am your King. I am the God of all things and I am in control. Endure more and never stop hoping. Be faithful and prayerful. Build yourself and learn to forgive. Accept that nothing just happens. I love you and I will never leave you.

Your Father and King

In you, I trust. I surrender. I lift it up. I won't give up. I will endure. I will make it through this rain. I will be strong. I will be better. I will find what I have ASKed. I will for you are God and I am not. You are larger than things. Your ways are higher and better than mine. May your will be done. Have your way in me..
#assurance #loved #promise <3 :) :3

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Focus on Christ

Don't focus on me but focus on Christ. 
Let's pray for our families and please pray for me.
-Pope Francis

Such humility, mercy, compassion and love from him radiates to everyone despite the differences in culture and beliefs. It's all in our faith.. Praise God. Thank you Pope! Blessed kami whether we're near and far.. Ramdam namin ang presensya ng Diyos mula sayo! smile emoticon #PopeFrancisPH #PopeFrancisTYSM#iamBBM #deogloria #thankyouLord #happy

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Letter to my Beloved Princess

My Beloved Princess,

You are beautiful, unique and special.
You were created to love and be loved!
You are kind, talented, strong, brave, capable and destined for greater things.
You are not an accident for you were called and chosen for a reason.

Open yourself to the surprises that I will show to you.
Be still and patient because it will be revealed when you are ready.
Believe in my promises because I planted them in your heart.
Hold on to me whenever you feel lonely and giving up.

Enjoy the moment, grow in love and serve me wholeheartedly.
Remember that you are worth the wait and just keep the faith.
Someday in my perfect time, you will be in each others arm.
Just allow my will to be done as you trust my plan.

I am preparing your prince because you are worthy to be pursued.
I desire the best in life for you are my beloved daughter.
And I am your Father, the King and Ruler of all.
Be confident that I am writing you a great love story.

Be assured that I love you my beloved Princess.
May my love, abundance, mercy, forgiveness and grace be sufficient.
You both will have your moment, not now but soon.
All is well and all will be revealed in my perfect time.

 Lovingly yours,
Almighty Father and King

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

God's surprises!

Allow God to surprise you. 

Are you ready? 

Prepare your umbrellas because God in His greatness, splendor, goodness, providence and faithfulness will bless you/us all beyond measure, overflowing in abundance and full of love. 

Prepare for rain.

Claiming God's promise. 

Yes Lord! Thank you in advance .. hihihi 
smile emotico
 ‪#‎firstFRUITS‬ ‪#‎preparingFORrain‬ ‪#‎iamBBM‬ ‪#‎deogloria‬‪#‎thankyouLord‬ ‪#‎happy

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Songwriting Tips


Taken from the blog of one of the best songwriter that I know in the CFC community, Kirby Llaban. He composed the song “God is enough”, “Send me”, “I give my all” and many more…

visit his blog: (The links have expired so it's not valid anymore.)

Songwriting Tip #7: It’s Okay To Have the Same Chord Pattern
Many songwriters are worried that their new song has the same Chord pattern as the previous one. In my experience, it doesn’t matter. Most of my songs are in the E-B-F#m-A chord pattern. But each song still sounds unique. What is more important is that we are able to make songs for the Lord.

If you are just a simple musician like me, who just knows the basic guitar and piano chords, you can ask an expert to improve the chords. I ask my friends Fredney and Mike to arrange the songs to make them sound better and distinctive. Suddenly I see “broken chords” and “sus” chords, because of their help.

If your goal is to let more people easily learn the songs you make, then simple chords are better. Also, having the same chord patterns make it easy for you to transition from one song to the next.

Songwriting Tip# 6: Have a Handy Recorder
It’s important to have a gadget where you can record your song in an instant. There are times that suddenly a melody comes across your mind or a beat or an idea for an intro. Sparks of inspiration can easily be forgotten when our focus is diverted. It helps if your cellphone has a voice recording feature, so you can hum your melody or sing out an inspired chorus directly to your phone. Another way is to video yourself, including the chords that you play.

You can stack your recorded ‘inspirations’ and get back to them anytime. The temptation though is that because you are confident that you have stored the initial parts, there is a lesser tendency to finish the song. Be sure to finish what you have started.

Songwriting Tip #5: Lyrics or Melody? It’s Up to God
Which comes first? The lyrics or the melody? This “chicken or egg” query is the most frequently asked question regarding songwriting. The answer to that: whichever the Lord reveals to you first. There are times that you strum a certain chord pattern and a melody comes out. There are also instances that we are inspired to write down and express a realization or an emotion.

In my experience, the advantage if the melody comes first is that the song is most likely to have a very catchy chorus and a complementing stanza melody. The challenge is to write down an inspiration that will capture the feel of the music.

When you write the lyrics first, a great advantage is that the song can have a very unique outcome of its melody since it’s based on the words and the emotions behind the poetry. It is less likely to be structured and the song is not “boxed in.” The big challenge is to shorten some of your written verses to fit in the desired number of syllables to match the song timing. You may have to change many of your original lyrics.

The best thing to do is to allow the Lord to lead you whether what you are holding now is a pen or a guitar. It’s His song anyway.

Songwriting Tip #4: Build Up the Message of Your Song
Do you have anything to say? What is it that you feel? The answers to these questions can be communicated by speech or better yet, by SONG! St. Augustine once said, “Singing is twice praying.” Music is such a potent tool to communicate and express our innermost thoughts and feelings.On the blank below, write down a key message that you want to deliver. It can be a word or a phrase. (ex. love for God, expressing a romantic feeling, etc.)_____________________________

List down five(5) topics related to your key message. (ex. love for God: forgiveness, peace, joy, etc.)






Next, write down how you feel about each topic. (ex. forgiveness: freedom)






With these information, you can now proceed to write a draft composition. What is vital is that you have a clear message and that you can visualize the emotions that will match to the tune you will be creating.

Songwriting Tip #3: Believe in Yourself
A basic requirement for song writing is CONFIDENCE. If you don’t believe in yourself, then most of the time others won’t. Stephen Covey suggests in his Seven Habits of Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind.” Believe 100% that you can be an excellent song writer. Stick with that goal, and you will see how fast your skills develop. State three(3) reasons why you can be an excellent song writer.




Songwriting Tip #2: Find Out Why You Want to Write Songs
Can you state three(3) reasons why writing songs is important? State your reasons.




The question above aims to let you realize that songwriting can affect lives. It may be a hobby or a skill you want to harness, but best of all it is something of worth and importance. Answering the “whys” will bring out your passion for songwriting. When time comes that you feel lost and tired in writing songs, the “whys” will bring you back on track.

Songwriting Tip #1: Have the Passion
A musician with great passion will later outdo a musician with great skill. How many times have we seen someone so gifted in an instrument but never dared to write or even finish a song he has started? I know I have dozens of them. Passion always creates possibilities. Passion drives us to learn more each day until we become excellent. Having a passion for songwriting will ignite endless possibilities to creating a musical masterpiece.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Acting in Faith

A lot of times God asks us to obey first before we fully see or understand His plan. We are called to act in faith, knowing that He's always there.

#iamBBM #deogloria #thankyouLord #happy #GodisSTILLgood #surrender
#trust #claiming  #preparingFORrain #hopeful #bestill #grateful

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Preparing to be your last

You and I are worth the wait.
 One true love is worth the wait. 
Patience, trust, faith, hope, endurance and strength equals a great love.
 Just believe that God knows what he's doing and worry not. 
Lord may your will be done. 

#iamBBM #deogloria #thankyouLord#chooseChrist #LOVEmore #endure

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015

So, as we begin with Ash Wednesday and its reminder of repentance, let us resolve to do our best each day, knowing that it is not the destination, but the journey that will ultimately transform us.

Fr. Robert Barron

Thursday, February 12, 2015

God's delay

And all I can say is Amen and may your will be done Lord.. wink emoticon #iamBBM #deogloria #thankyouLord#happy #preparingFORrain #prayersUP #holdON#GodisSTILLgood #surrender #trust #claiming

God's delay are not denials for He is preparing something great that He has already planned. Hold on. Be still. God is God and we are not. In His perfect time..

May your will be done..

FB post last January 2014

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Happy Silver + 1

Happy Silver plus One!!!!! Thank you Lord for the super duper many blessings that you showered upon me, my family, friends, community and those around me. Thank you for a wonderful year and for many more years in this life. Thank you for a year added to mine for me to be better, stronger, wiser and fiercer. Thank you for the unending grace and love that you never fail to make me feel. I am so blessed and loved. Truly I am God's beloved, favored, treasured, beautiful and special in His eyes. Thank you soooo very much.. Happy birthday to me. Good nytieeeee!
January 3, 2015 - Happy Silver plus One! 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Happy 2015

Happy New Year!!!! Cheers to a blessed and joyful 2015! My family may not be complete but thanks to social media, communication bridges the gap of distance between us. Yes we are miles apart but were together always in my heart! smile emoticon

Sa December 2015, in Jesus' name, complete na talaga tau. Me and Kevin will strive hard for that to happen. Help and surprise us Lord. Claim ko na ang Family Reunion 2015! Happy New Year! God bless us all. I miss and love you all. See you sooooon! smile emoticonMwaaahhhugs! kiss emoticon #iamBBM #deogloria#thankyouLord #happy #reunion2015 #family#Godsgift #blessings — with Caila LimLarry Lim,Christy Alba LimIek Elad MilKyle Lawrence Andrei LimKäwën Krïztïnë Lïm and Sarah Kailyn Lim.